FPS Games

Why does everything look so far away in video games?

When viewing a video game’s world, sometimes it appears that things appear much further away than they should. This is down to a couple of things regarding field of view and the player’s setup, this video will explain the problems surrounding perspective projection and how Rift Division is dealing with it.




PBR Night Sky Unity Asset:


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  1. Huh, interesting. I've long wondered if i'd ever see another game besides arma adresa this issue. 👍 Keep up the hard work!

  2. Yeah, I have 40" and I use real FOV for racing games (my IRL monitor FOV 46° set in game).
    It's incredibly transformative.
    What you loose in peripheral, you gain in distance, plus, it feels correctly sized(*). It almost stops to feel like you are playing a videogame.

    *) I've also compared the feeling of driving, speed, distance to corners etc. IRL vs ingame in the same car.

  3. SCUM allows you to zoom in but it also applies a depth of field affect. they call it focus mode, it also blocks out ambient sound as to hear footsteps better.

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