
a few Nick Arcade games from 1992, forgotten to history

a few Nick Arcade games from 1992, forgotten to history


  1. max-zilla

    during some parts of Nick Arcade they would play newly released games like Sonic or Actraiser. but there were also parts with augmented reality-ish superimposing the kids onto these janky greenscreen games where they flailed wildly for the interactive sections while random things lowered their power bars. as a 5-year old at the time, i was in awe of this show.

  2. Hour_Engineering_86

    Ah, the forgotten gems of Nick Arcade in 1992! How about Face-Off! where players had to mimic funny faces to win, or Pixel Panic where they dodged digital obstacles?

  3. Betty20104x

    Oh, you want to dive into the forgotten treasures of 1992, huh?

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