
Oblivion still holds up after all these years.

The charm that this game has is like no other, it’ll always be my favorite game of all time! What’s your favorite thing about oblivion?


  1. LadyRuth790

    Absolutely! Oblivion is like a fine cheese, it just keeps getting better with age.

  2. coffin420699

    this game was crazy when it came out. the jump from morrowind was absolutely next level. i think i spent a week straight going to school and coming home to play until i couldnt blink both eyes at the same time

  3. Terijian

    I liked that graphically it was an improvement to morrowind. felt like a step down in most other ways. setting very generic and boring.

    I did enjoy shivering isles a lot though

    I seem to recall alot of the quests were pretty unique and interesting as well. The one where you get sucked into a painting stands out in my mind

    and while overall I didnt care for the setting some of the landscapes were very pretty

  4. Real-Variation-8681

    It indeed does not! 🔥🔥🔥

  5. PermeusCosgrove

    Still my all time favorite as well – really fun with some great stories.

    And Shivering Isles is the best DLC ever imo.

  6. lubeinatube

    I always go back and replay every few years. The graphics look fantastic, but god is the melee combat bad lol. All a part of its charm, still one of my all time favs.

  7. Ok_Construction_8136

    At times it can be super beautiful in terms of architecture, skyboxes and landscapes. But the character models always look absolutely abysmal

  8. I reinstalled Morrowind after reminiscing over some fond memories. Cranked everything up to the max and jumped in. Lasted almost to leaving the first little hamlet thing you arrive in a few minutes later.

    Was an amazing game, but.. yeah, hasn’t aged well.

  9. For its time, I think Oblivion was an amazing game. The graphics were incredible given what graphics cards were capable of, and while the game overall wasn’t perfect by any means, it had a shitload of content that kept me entertained for endless hours.

    Obviously, Skyrim came out later on in the same console generation, and that game had made some nice quality of life improvements. For example, combat was (in my opinion) more refined in Skyrim. The devs also did reengineer a few things like the way you picked locks.

    When you compare it to Skyrim, I think it comes up short in many areas. I do have fond memories of Oblivion, though.

  10. Javerage

    Gonna need to mod Shrek into it bursting out of that door.

  11. ArnoldhBraunschweigr

    Honestly feel like the graphics are better than Skyrim’s. 🤔

  12. Uncle_Budy

    Except the leveling and scaling systems were a huge step backwards.

  13. explosivekyushu

    This game came out about two months into my first year of university and I stayed home to no-life it for so long I got a letter warning me about my shit attendance.

  14. Err, does it though? That really does not look up to modern standards, even at 1/16th screen size and without any potato people on screen.

  15. OasissisaO

    Realizing you can ignore most Oblivion gates…

  16. moogleman844

    Does anyone know how Skyoblivion is coming along??

  17. turtlepope420

    Still my favorite ES and Bethesda game. I beat it last time about two years ago and I was impressed how well it holds up in respect to the main story, questing, loot, and overall world design.

    Skyrim is amazing but something about Oblivion makes it feel like a more proper fantasy world.

    hope ES6 takes a lot of inspiration from Oblivion.

  18. chickntend

    The past few Bethesda games lagged a bit behind graphics wise on release but I think they age so well compared to a lot of games. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are still gorgeous.

  19. MoteInTheEye

    I credit Oblivion for my lifelong love of gaming. Particularly rpgs. What an amazing game. Especially for the time

  20. Paducahkratom

    I just wish they would fix the everything levels up with you thing then it would truly be the greatest game ever made.

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