Beer me the strength to throw these all away!

Beer me the strength to throw these all away!


  1. Mad_Arson

    First rule of IT guy never ever throw a cable or adapter as you never know when you might need one even for testing someone else older pc.

  2. SquashNut707

    Just drink more beer and forget about it. You’ll never be able to toss them, it’s against the master races nature.

  3. blackpearl1477

    Unless you have more of them, throw them away. Me personally I keep 1 or two for a maybe future use.

  4. Gomez-16

    Never! The moment you do is the moment you need it.

  5. Narrator2012

    I suggest an additional large duffel bag for spare cables. Worked for me, could work for you.

  6. SteelyEyedHistory

    If you throw it away, you’ll need it in six months.

  7. I have like 50 of those. Still can’t bring myself to throw them away. I give them out like candy

  8. Lezukion

    Keep all cables for when your kids get interested in retro stuff. They start a project, they’re missing something, and you can then be like “I got just exactly what you need 😎”

  9. GoblinToes23

    But what if you need them?

    TBH, I have a banker’s box in my office full of old cables, adapters, and dongles. It’s come in handy maybe a half a dozen times in the past decade?

    Still not pitching them

  10. JeremyMSI

    as soon as you toss them you’ll find a need for one lol

  11. thesash20

    No. Nuh uh. Do not throw away cables, especially older connectors. You’ll need ’em some day, that’s a given

  12. JulPollitt

    Is it gonna be worth how hard you’re gonna slap yourself in the face when you need it? Probably not.

  13. Smellfish360

    Never! these reclics of the past must be given though your future generations, for when the time comes that they are suddenly needed.

  14. Breklin76

    Don’t do it! What if we are knocked back to the last century and you need those to get a global rebel computer network up and running? Or to fight Skynet?

  15. BhrisBukBruz

    In about 3-5 years time there might be a national tech museum that would happily bid for these

  16. IamrhightierthanU

    You can’t. They must have so good memories bound to them.

  17. TTV_TT_YT_KiLL3r

    Don’t do it! The week after you thrown them away you will need them! It’s a fact, that’s why I keep all the old stuff forever.

  18. BroccoliWitty3037

    You could give them to a goodwill store in your area. Maybe someone else could get use out of them.

  19. PuzzleheadedLeader79

    Don’t do it. You’ll need it next week.

  20. NyneHelios

    Lord Beer me strength


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