
Anachronox, a really good forgotten RPG from Ion Storm

Anachronox, a really good forgotten RPG from Ion Storm


  1. chaos_mage

    This game has the most unorthodox party NPC of all CRPGs of all time. First, you have adventures on a planet. Next, the planet joins your party.

  2. moleman0815

    Played this game two centuries ago and only have pleasant memories about it. Pretty funny and sometimes crazy. I also remember that the music was very good.

    Ion Storm was something else. Deus Ex, Thief, Anachronox. Warren Spector was a legend.

  3. WindUpShoe

    Ahhh, yes, Anachronox…. along with the almighty Deus Ex, this was one of two, maybe three awesome games produced by Ion Storm (the “rockstar” studio that made Daikatana) before it shut down.

    This came out during the heydays of the JRPG. Squaresoft had released Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX to critical acclaim and massive sales. This was the PC’s answer and damn, it was a genuinely good game. Unfortunately, despite great reviews, the sales never took off. One of those forgotten gems that look like it’ll stay forgotten for a while yet.

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