Micro Transactions

Micro Transactions


  1. InsaneInTheMEOWFrame

    Also face recognition and cloud storage…

  2. peacedetski

    Well I sure hope they give me live service

  3. John-333

    The guy who came up with that horse armour now:


  4. onegumas

    And cracked version may give you a virus. Like in real life.

  5. GuenthaTheGuennie

    They will probably call it “macro transactions”, to not hurt any feelings.

  6. millanstar

    Did chatgpt created this post using the common circlejerk talking points of this dub as a baseline?…

  7. Punch_A_Lot

    we will start jailbreaking sex dolls , just plug in the usb c to your pc and to the usb port over the anus
    hold her hand for 5 secondes till she starts moaning , u are now in developper mode ….

  8. LowMental5202

    They become more like real women everyday

  9. NugattiKrysset

    “Hey guys welcome to my video about how to jailbreak your own sexdoll”

  10. edmontonbane16

    I mean what would stop you from seeing real prostitutes, then it would just be micro action.

  11. kron123456789

    You will pay microtransactions to get micro trans actions.

  12. Hmasteryz

    It working as intended, mimicking real life woman.

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