
Gamers are more divided than a Pizza.

Gamers are more divided than a Pizza.


  1. The first meme is really dumb considering AC Shadows has a Japanese protagonist lol.

  2. Glad_Advertising_125

    Why does the other protagonist listed for the game never get mentioned??

  3. How I envy the intentional ignorance of people who refuse to do research. Life would be so much easier if we would all just assume a thing is unrealistic instead of learning some ****ing history.

  4. Antoen_0

    Let’s make the next one in in sud africa and make the protagonist asian to even it out.

  5. runtowardsit

    You boys play The Ghost of Tsushima, love that game

  6. Das_Guet

    I genuinely feel like I am the only one who is pissed that this game will exist but simultaneously doesn’t care about this race drama

  7. TheMilliner

    While it *literally* does not matter even slightly who the protagonist is, it’s hard to say that they couldn’t have avoided this by just doing as per every previous AC game and just *not* had the protagonist being an actual real person.

    The only people that *actually* care about this are idiots, basically, but Ubi didn’t do themselves any favours by picking a real person to portray in their fantasy alt-history game about space aliens and the apocalypse.

  8. fear_el_duderino

    Sure, the Japanese AC fans are the ones that are complaining. Not the American neckbeards.


    Uncultured swine mistaken fictional games and characters as real life.

  10. Shaggy263

    They should just make it so you can create and customise your own character instead of this. Then everyone wins and can play how they like.

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