Call of Duty: Warzone

Is this person cheating ?

In the pre game lobby, this guy aim looked a little too snappy and he was able to gun me down easily with a gun that isn’t suitable for long range. I reported him but just wanted to know if I’m tripping or not.


  1. moomaunder

    Level 20 with snap and beaming with that SMG at that range … Yeah he cheating his dick off

  2. HardlyRecursive

    I’ll eat my mouse if that guy isn’t cheating.

  3. DirtyGritzBlitz

    They just have a better gaming chair than you

  4. BicuriousGoerge

    I dont always jump to conclusions becuase there are some very good player out there, coming from someone who has hit iridescent, but this guy who is lvl 20 and beamed you with that shitty pistol at that range is 100% cheating

  5. Exciting-Flan-1484

    Yeah looks like soft aimbot with wall hacks, you can see that he only comes out because your approaching the edge, gets suprised that your not there yet and that he didn’t lock on already, looks away to look less sus, then locks back on the second you reach it

  6. Riot_Shielder

    Obviously. No one legit is killing at that range with that pisol.

  7. southerna-up-north

    I bet he ain’t on Xbox or ps. just saying…..

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