Hey there folks! Just asking real quick, what’s the rarest skin you own? And which skin is the rarest in my inventory

Hey there folks! Just asking real quick, what’s the rarest skin you own? And which skin is the rarest in my inventory


  1. Techie-Talks

    I don’t know maybe the Fennec Lair of Ice but bruh, you literally could fill my bank account if you sell those lol


    For operators Im not sure if it’s rare. I have ghost loose ends.

  3. FourUnderscoreExKay

    For operators, definitely OG FTL and Phantom. Year 1 Season 2 or 3 I believe.

    For weapon skins, the Amethyst set for blues. Phobos J358 for epics. Year 1 Season 3, I think.

  4. TotallyA-russianRper

    Note I hate codm for releasing og skin

    Sure some of them are the daily logins but bloody hell..RELEASING SOAP HAZMAT AND MY HAZMAT BOMBER??? FUCK SAKE MAN..

  5. I_AM_KIRA7111

    Idk if you consider it rare but i got legendary na-45 i got for 10 cp 💀

  6. Not soldier but gun skin.

    Mac10 dragon’s might. Never saw anyone using it

  7. KUMonHERface

    I don’t remember the name but i have the ghost purple and white skin

  8. Dittoforyourcall

    Death angel Alice – vicious (I have only seen three other people have the skin that is a bot)

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