[MW] Do you prefer Reboot Ghost or the original Ghost?

[MW] Do you prefer Reboot Ghost or the original Ghost?


  1. MrDiego14

    Fan of OG History, far better than Reboot, but the characters are way better in Reboot, they have personality and Charisma, especially Ghost and Soap. I love Their Interactions

  2. BisexualSpaceGoblin

    Visually? OG Ghost by far. Character-wise? Reboot. The old ghost existed to get his shit kicked in by Sheperd, where the reboot Ghost actually has a character and isn’t “generic silent type #360”.

  3. Agreeable_Crab_869

    Definitely the reboot on history and character write, the original on look.

    TBH, the original ghost is just a cool guy with a mask who dies in a betrayal for impact the player, before that, you just like the character for the design.

    I know the comics tell a history about him, but the comic came after the popularity of the character on the game and it’s a merit of the comic, not of the game.

    So maybe I’ll be hated but the original ghost is a cool character but has no much history.

    Otherwise, since warzone 1, the reboot ghost got history and even we can play as him, so I prefer the new one.

  4. bit off topic but I’m very confused by ghost. what happened between MW2(OG) and now that means ghost is alive? He was killed by shepherd along w/ Roach in the OG MW2. Did they just decide that didnt happen?

  5. Giannis1982

    OG ghost visualy + reboot ghost character wise = MW 2019 ghost.
    There you go,I did the maths for you.

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