
Kind of sad that sentences like this alone give me a little bit more hope for a game these days

Kind of sad that sentences like this alone give me a little bit more hope for a game these days


  1. left4candy

    “Any paid DLCs will be cosmetic only”

    That’s not good either

  2. AbsoluteScenes7

    Cosmetic only DLC is not necessarily the right way to go. Sure don’t charge us for crap like lootboxes and pay to win gear but don’t let that stop you putting out genuine quality paid additional content. If they want to put out additional single player campaign content on par with say games like The Witcher 3 then by all means charge us for that

  3. Cranjesmcbasketball1

    Great, now when will it be out? I can’t wait to play this game but I feel the release date and info have been cryptic.

  4. Captain-Griffen

    “There aren’t any microtransactions.”

    “Any paid DLCs will be cosmetic only.”

    Which one is it?

  5. panetero

    Warhammer and not ripping off its userbase don’t go hand in hand, bud.

  6. Bobelando

    Games workshop IP and not riping costimers off just doesn’t fit together

  7. alyosha_pls

    Not like it matters. If anyone is used to getting milked, it is 40K fans. The paperback books will be hundreds of bucks.

  8. LoonyFruit

    Not the first game that weasled in microtransactions after initial review wave was done. Those games said exact same thing at the start.

  9. fucksickos

    The new skulls game got like 4 price tiers and a battle pass and everything. So fucking lame

  10. Unh0lyCatf1sh

    I’ll just wait a few years until I can get everything they release for the game for £5 in a Steam Sale

  11. Remnant_Echo

    “There won’t be any microtransactions, only macrotranscations which consist of cosmetics and a season pass.”

  12. idk i’m waiting to see, “no microtransactions” might be a marketing thing

  13. Superb_Recover_6116

    sounds like what warframe does and if its like that I dont really care since theres no paywalls completing anything or pay2win weapons of any kind.

  14. Tbh I don’t even like full price games with cosmetic only microtransactions, because imo cosmetic rewards add a lot to my enjoyment with a game. Kinda used to old and thankfully some new games that offer you the actual full experience after buying the game. Don’t really know too much about space marine 2 but it’s understandable if they plan to add a lot of future development otherwise it’s mediocre.

  15. Kengfatv

    It gives me less hope. In a game like league, it’s simple, it’s competitive, and the players are the content, I wouldn’t expect to pay for new content.

    In something like this, I want to pay for new content. I don’t want 2 weeks of content and then a trickle of a new map every 6 months, a new hero a decade, and a season pass to keep me repeating the same thing for 3 months.

  16. TheKFakt0r

    Every time a company claims something like this, they seem to go back on it. I’m reminded of when Tekken’s director said that legacy characters would never be paid DLC, only for it to happen later that year.

  17. iamnotreallyreal

    As much as I’m hyped for this game I still won’t pre order it despite all the trailers have me convinced it will be an amazing game.

  18. Choombaloo-2

    Lol, that will change right before or after launch. Don’t kid yourself.

  19. Competitive_Pen7192

    P2W is disgusting but the only saving grace of it is that I’m pretty much weaned off online games these days as I can’t be bothered to investigate what is good and what isn’t along with all the grinding.

  20. neonnightryder

    I mean, the whole ‘we will necer sell you anything that affects gameplay’ thing is pretty much a standard for AAA games now.

  21. saucysagnus

    Can we stop upvoting braindead posts? Thank you.

  22. NotARealDeveloper

    If the game is good I am happy to pay for expansions/DLCs that bring new weapons, enemy types, locations, mission types, etc.

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