How bad this is for my PC?

How bad this is for my PC?


  1. bigfkncee

    Not exactly a good idea having a cat (which can shed fur) lounging on top of your PC blocking the airflow…but you knew that already and just wanted to post a picture of the cat, didn’t you?

  2. Serious-Mud-1031

    Catastrop…..nevermind I stole this

  3. ThickFurball367

    Not bad at all, in fact it’ll make your PC run purrfectly

  4. DarkSyndicateYT

    who else wants to post this after 15 minutes?

    collect ur tickets here:

    ### 🎫

  5. Arroz-Con-Culo

    Very bad since cat hair attracts static.

  6. dwolfe127

    Oh look, its this post again. Today. Again.

  7. CactusCustard

    This has to be on purpose at this point.

    Literally just look at posts from the last 4 hours and you’ll see the others.

  8. Sanvirsingh

    This sub is fuking joke now…. legit same shit every time

  9. Agarillobob

    very, remove the feline from the room, pet hair is a killer

  10. Haunting-Study8347

    Why everyone so mad? There was a cat post 9 hours ago, but then I went back three days and didn’t see a single other.

    I’d take a cute cat on a PC over the constant stream of dumb, easily Googleable tech support questions

  11. Tyz_TwoCentz_HWE_Ret

    Better Question, how is it good for your PC at all.

  12. worldrenownedballdr

    in general people that have cats should avoid cases with top fans / intakes.. Cats like tall warm places as such basically all cats will get on top of a pc tower and sleep there if they are able….. It isn’t really going to hurt anything, check temps in case it is blocking too much airflow.. but it probably isn’t..

    you’ll likely have to clean pc case /fans fairly frequently, but having a cat in the first place makes this true….

  13. techtonics

    This post is getting old. Who cares that you have a cat and a pc lol

  14. LowMental5202

    Good as you now have a cat warmer. Just clean it once a year

  15. Jaislight

    At this point people are just placing their cars on the PCs for up votes.

  16. Willllby

    I’d be more concerned about the Pamela Andersen tattoo affecting your soul.

  17. Corgicommander4U


  18. TrollOnFire

    If you are concerned with top mounted exhaust fans. Maybe a false floor, so to speak for the cat to lay on. Something that has a grill for the air to flow around the cat. I’m imagining a piece of cheap $10. IKEA wooden shoe rack with something flat and maybe ventilated on top that the cat can lay on.

  19. Trash post. Nobody cares about your cat on your PC.

  20. scratchyboy1988

    Why does it matter? It’s not yours anyways as you can clearly see! It’s mr meow meows. You bought him a 2000 warmer for his belly, how nice of you!

  21. in1gom0ntoya

    Pretty okay until the cat throws up into it.

  22. -Garbage-Man-

    I’d rather talk about the Barbwire band you have on your wrist. How is the summer of 94 treating you so far?

  23. sovietbearcav

    Barbed wire tattoos are always a terrible idea for your pc…

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