Why do yall need to make insults out of this? use whatever you want.

Why do yall need to make insults out of this? use whatever you want.


  1. ActuallyTiberSeptim

    Eh, in my experience it’s mostly the other way around. “Hey guys, I use Linux.”

  2. Vaseth-30kRS-iron

    its not me thats crazy ITS EVERYONE ELSE THATS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Boulderdrip

    if i can use what ever i want then why are you fucks constantly telling me to switch to linux. completely unprompted every time.

  4. pintobrains

    Wrong format OP the guy on the left is the Linux user telling us he switched

    Edit: apparently pointing out the failure of this meme set up has riled up the Linux fan boys

  5. ripnburn69

    If linux was the solution to all of windows problems, everyone would have already switched to linux years ago.

  6. positivedownside

    Yeah, but being told totally unprompted that “you can customize the crap out of it though” when the average user *doesn’t need that much customization* is pretty asinine.

    Not to mention, the list of games that “run on Linux” doesn’t verify that it can run on all versions of Linux, since Linux users can’t just have one single version of the OS, they need (literally, I wish I was joking) *over 600 versions of the same operating system*.

  7. This is literally the complete opposite. All the people on the right are windows users. Dude on the left is trying to tell them how shit windows is and convert them.

  8. Spartan_Jet

    Its more like that meme of two couples dancing and the one dude in the corner is saying “nobody knows I switched to linux” and the other couples saying ya we do you wont shut the fuck up about it.

  9. thatlightningjack

    The only reason I’m still on windows on my main PC is because of all the games I play

  10. GloriousPorpoises

    Because it’s the same experience as Jehovahs witnesses. They preach to you so much that you begin to resent them.

    “Why don’t you switch to Linux, bro”

    “Linus is clearly the superior system”

    Like, shut up. You’re hated because you’re annoying.

    If you want to Linux then go Linux. We don’t care. Leave us alone. Stop preaching like an evangelical nut.

  11. RynotheRam

    Man it’s “PC Master Race” not “Linux Master Race” or “Windows Master Race”

  12. SpringExciting8918

    I use dual boot with windows 11 and Linux (Debian), windows for gaming and linux for productivity and programing

  13. People don’t brag about not switching to Linux

  14. Meatslinger

    Because if you want to use something, you simply use it. If you go around telling someone you use it, it’s because you want them to use it. People don’t like ads, least of all walking, talking ones.

    Sent from my iPhone

  15. Panthean

    Fairly certain it’s the Linux guys that never shut up about it

  16. Mr_HPpavilion

    I want to use Linux, but my problem is the program/game compatibilities, I don’t know which Linux would be the best option

  17. CrimsonDMT

    Windows users: Windows is better!

    Linux users: Linux is better!

    Hackintosh users: ………..

  18. PercentageSecret1078

    I am just happy this is still a conversation. That being said, please dear God don’t put OSX in front of me.

  19. _Tacoyaki_

    Linux users are the nerd version of crossfitters. People who don’t use Linux never think about Linux until people like you bring it up.

  20. Donglefree

    Then tell me this: why do all the pcmasterrace people shit on Mac users to ‘get a real PC’? Smh.

  21. 4chanbetter

    I’ve never heard anyone say this, but I’ve heard vegans say they’re vegans a million times

  22. Love_Doctor69

    I’ve tried Linux Mint couple years ago and it was a miserable experience. Came back to Windows and never looked back

  23. ElonTastical

    Literally the complete opposite. What planet do you live in?

  24. stan00311

    i tell you what i dont like the new recall feature that was just announced. ive been busy so i havent dug into it to find the facts but it sounds really bad. i guess they want to record your screen. i gett that we have had a wire tap in our cpu since the 2000’s but where do we draw the line? i just play games and i dont wanna tear my hair out just to play a game.

  25. SuperSaiyanIR

    I’ve used Linux on the Steam Deck and while it is cool to a certain extent, playing around and just trying to see how it works, there’s no way I’m putting it on my main machine. I personally think the Steam Deck’s implementation of Linux is the best implementation of it given how easy it is out of the box but I’d still rather avoid it if I can.

  26. historically-correct

    OS wars are as stupid as console wars. You all are just stupid.

  27. PeteyTwoHands

    bruh this is cope and bait rolled into one

  28. alpaca-punch

    you forgot to surround the smart guy on the left that switch to linux with hot chicks

  29. marksteele6

    The only time I call out or make fun of people switching to Linux is when it’s in the context of not wanting to configure Windows. Like shit yall, if you don’t want to dig into Windows settings to disable an ad toggle, you are going to fucking hate how much you need to dig into Linux to configure basic functionalities.

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