Cyberpunk 2077

If CDPR puts Aguilar in the next game i will be the happiest man ever.

If CDPR puts Aguilar in the next game i will be the happiest man ever.


  1. The “final” mr hands mission is the best mission in the entire game for me, CDPR should do missions like that with v when you reach 50 rep like its so good to feel so powerful + Aguilar is such a cool character

  2. SeBoss2106

    I half-shit myself when that message came.

  3. sausagemissile

    I wanna hang out with Aguilar and smoke cigars in a hot tub, talk absolute smack about gigs and try to one-up each other until it ends in shots and arm wrestling

    how amusing that would be

  4. Evelynn_cretoxyrhina

    Interesting because Aguilar is either a woman or man depending on what gender ur V is, so if they were to reintroduce Aguilar i wonder how they would approach it, probably the same way?

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