Rate the cable management

Rate the cable management


  1. assortedUsername

    I still see cables, why isn’t it wireless. :’)

  2. Positive-Olive3530

    You put more effort into the back than I did the front but that makes it sound like I cared

  3. kudasaikenobi

    What cables!? Haha jk looks beautiful!

  4. tsweezyintheheezy

    This must be AI generated, cable management is never THAT good

  5. Donglemaetsro

    I would already be playing games while you were halfway through/10

  6. Prodigy_of_Bobo

    1/10 you make me really look bad at cable stuff and I don’t like it

  7. louiscools2005

    Looks pretty dang good to me. 👍👍

  8. CrispyJalepeno

    0/10 I can’t even see any cables 😛

  9. My only concern is the white cable zip tied to the side panel slots up top. It’ll likely be fine, but it could pinch if the cables shift to the wrong place.

  10. madhattergm

    I feel with cabling so clean your just a troll now.

  11. Enigmatic140

    Could be better, I don’t see every inch of it covered in rgb.

  12. RelativeWrong4232

    Try to get sleeved white cable cable extensions for 30$ they’d make it even better

  13. Looks like mine. With modern cases there’s really no excuse.

  14. Stark_Athlon

    I give it the green light. Because I’m green with envy at your skill.

  15. lol pretty sure your PSU is upside down. Could be wrong though.

  16. ThatOneComputerNerd


  17. Fiskerpapi

    Looks nice and tight let’s see it with the lights off🤤

  18. It looks like shit you don’t even have the cover installed!

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