Cyberpunk 2077

A merc inserted a suspicious biochip into her head. This is what happened to her brain.

“V” is a 27 years old woman, brought to the ripper doc’s room unresponsive. A man, who found her in the junk yard reported convulsions, seizures before she had finally lost consciousness. Upon inspecting the mercenary's head Ripper noticed a bullet and a shattered biochip in the gray matter, but brains were still alive and with decent care, “V” could wake up from her coma.
Immediately after regaining her consciousness, “V” started describing nightmares, which resembled memories. She continued hallucinating and her seizures occurred over and over. It seemed like the bullet injured the hippocampus, causing confusing, disorientation, amnesia and a sense of false memories. Defective inhibitory pathways could explain “V”s seizures. Reduced inhibition have led to excessive release of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. This in turn have led to further neurodegeneration due to excitotoxicity.
But… Something is wrong. Her false memories were detailed and her hallucinations were surprisingly consistent as she gave an account of the same man with a silver arm. It could be a case of cyberpsychosis. “Psychosis” meaning loss of contact with reality. “Cyber” meaning electronic communications, such as augmentations, integrated with nervous system.
Ripperdoc asked mercenary about the biochip. It turned out “V” had inserted the chip into her head to protect it from potential destruction. It was designed to reanimate and alter deceased brains, as it was the case with “V”, after the bullet entered her skull. Nanobots began their work, as “V” experienced sudden and sharp influx of the foreign data. It disrupted a delicate balance of electrical and chemical signals, resulting in a cascade of neural dysregulation. “V” began to experience severe headaches, disorientation, and hallucinations as her psyche struggled to cope with the overload.
Unfortunately, ripperdoc could not remove or isolate the chip, as the procedure proved to be extremely life-threatening. As “V” left the clinic, she setup her own search for a potential cure. While the construct neural patterns became more and more superimposed onto the brains, leading to even stronger cognitive dissonance and identity conflicts…


  1. lurking_scawthorn

    lol I read that entire thing in his voice, I have a morbid fascination with that channel 🤭

  2. CertifiedGonk

    Made up scream-sheet garbage tbh – That version of the Relic would have to be a prototype so there is no way she would survive. Keep your eyes open, chooms

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