
PS5 Outsold Xbox Series X|S 5 To 1 As Xbox Sold Less Than 1 Million Units Last Quarter. Those Are Worse Numbers Than The Xbox One And Wii U

PS5 Outsold Xbox Series X|S 5 To 1 As Xbox Sold Less Than 1 Million Units Last Quarter. Those Are Worse Numbers Than The Xbox One And Wii U


  1. PCP_Panda

    No one wants to lower the price either lol

  2. galaxyapp

    Wait…wii u sold a million units last quarter? I didn’t even know it was still being built…

    I ask because wii isn’t mentioned in the article

  3. BitingArtist

    It’s so simple it’s stupid. PS5 has well scoring exclusives, Xbox doesn’t.

  4. That’s what happens when Redfall is the horse you backed as an exclusive.

  5. greentiger79

    Is this the reason why MS seems to have shifted gears and plans to bring some Xbox exclusives to PS? I wouldn’t be surprised if the PS numbers are being depressed by the PS5 pro rumors too.

  6. drmirage809

    Anecdotally: I work in a big box electronics store and we’re hardly moving our Xbox inventory. Meanwhile PlayStations are selling at a steady pace. Not so fast that we risk running out, but they’re moving. The Switch is also still selling well, even after like 7 years on the market.

    PlayStation Portals are selling like hot cakes though. Those things fly of the shelves the moment we stock em. We also get them in very limited numbers each time. Like 8 at a time. Don’t know what’s holding Sony back on those.

  7. iNfANTcOMA

    Yes when you can just play on PC, a browser, a phone, a tv and any other thing, why would you buy an Xbox? This isn’t surprising or news.

  8. tigojones

    Being outsold 5-1 by your main competitor? Oof.

    Lower numbers than the Wii U??? Daaamn.

    I knew it wasn’t doing great, but that’s really not good.

  9. LadyHelen127

    Well, looks like PS5 is the champ of the console world!

  10. ps5 for ps5 exclusives

    pc for gamepass.

    there is no reason to own a xbox

  11. spaceraingame

    That tends to happen when your only exclusive worth a damn is Halo. As has been the case for over a decade…

  12. FrostyMagazine9918

    Gampass is great for everyone but terrible for the Xbox

  13. PitiedVeil55831

    1. Ineffective marketing
    2. Zero good exclusives
    3. Legacy of the train wreck xbox one generation

  14. PastaVeggies

    No reason to buy an Xbox. Especially if you have PC already.

  15. mind_mine

    Xbox was losing so badly they started to play a different game

  16. THSiGMARotMG

    Its 2:1 overall but that wouldnt be as clickbaity

  17. sock_templar

    Well, what is better or worse doesn’t matter, I can’t afford any.

  18. MasterLogic

    You also need to remember series s is out selling the x 4 to 1. And the series s is basically a ps4 pro/xbox one x.

    So the ps5 is really out selling the X by 20 to 1 which is the most insane thing. The s is a great little gamepass machine, but it’s not next gen. 

  19. schrodingersmite

    I was an XBox fanboy until they rolled out the draconian XBox One rules around DRM, used games, etc., and have never looked back.

  20. cows1100

    I always had an Xbox growing up, but eventually I turned to PC. At a certain point I realized that a PC did everything and Xbox did, with all the same games, and more. Got rid of my Xbox for a PS4 for exclusives, and then got a PS5. Xbox needs to realize that their player base just went to PC, and they should lean in to that, rather than competing in the console space.

  21. bearjoo1787

    Xbox is my main console strictly because of the user interface and party system. In my opinion it just blows ps out of the water. I do have a ps5 because the exclusives are too good to pass though

  22. Clearly Sony should have copied Microsoft gamepass model years ago of they wouldn’t survive right.

  23. There’s also the fact that Xbox was never popular on Japan, where the console market is huge, so those 5 to 1 certainly look way way worse over there.

  24. ComprehensiveArt7725

    Xbox shouldve released a year eariler 😂

  25. MasterUmmBees

    I mean yea almost everyone who wants one has one,what kind of sense would it make for a console to sell the same amount of units years in a row

  26. That80sguyspimp

    Fancy looking boxes don’t sell shit. Games, games, games. Thats the trick to winning this generational war. Or any generational war.

  27. Life_Without_Lemon

    Isn’t there a game pass for pc? So you don’t really need a Xbox console to play some of their games.

  28. Mclarenrob2

    One of these days PS5 sales will start to decline massively if the drought of first party games continues

  29. There is no reason to own an xbox, especially if you have a decent pc.

  30. average_redditor6

    Worse than Wii U is saying something

  31. FlameStaag

    Honestly says a lot about gamers. The Xbox is superior in every way.

    You can play virtually every Xbox game from every generation(disc or digital), with many of them being enhanced to utilize the modern hardware.

    Gamepass is miles ahead of Sony’s sad attempt at the same thing, especially after the price hike they did while adding nothing of value.

    The operating system isn’t perfect but it’s miles better than the ps5. When my power goes out, I can turn my Xbox back on and it’ll just instantly resume wherever I was in my game. The ps5 shits itself constantly and has to go through the repair thing, and once it’s done it has closed your game and lost all progress. 

    Xbox tried to do away with exclusives but Sony went full steam ahead buying up exclusives and paying out the ass for timed exclusives on top.
    And yet the ps5 exclusives catalog is mid at best. With the only real stellar title being Demon’s Souls. 

    I’m primarily a pc gamer but it just baffles me why anyone would own a ps5 over an Xbox. It’s not like you’re preserving your library… Sony’s best attempt at backwards compatibility is a mediocre service where you virtually connect to an old console running the the game you want. 

  32. iMpact980

    Let’s be honest M$ doesn’t know what they want to do with Xbox. They fumbled big last gen and just seemingly gave up this gen.

    Their rumored handheld might be the savior they need, but they don’t have a killer IP. Halo bombed, Starfield is on pc and wasn’t great at launch tbh, and they have nothing left.

    It’s a shame – I grew up with my 360 as my primary console. I loved that thing.

  33. ICanOutP1zzaTheHut

    Just not fair to Xbox that PlayStation has all the good exclusives /s

  34. My Xbox has been collecting dust for months now. It has very little to offer that my ps5 doesn’t also have and does better.

  35. icrossedcurry

    PS5 controllers are unbearable to hold, feels so unnatural imo.

  36. DarkGamer

    That explains Microsoft’s pivot to PC gaming

  37. _icarcus

    Ive owned every Xbox since OG, sans the Xbox One, and it’s sad to see how terrible the ecosystem has become the past 5+ years.

    $300 for the Series S and stacking the 3yr XBL -> $1 Gamepass hack suckered a lot of people back in but writing has been on the wall for Microsoft.

  38. kapate13

    Yet somehow xbox gaming division is still more profitable

  39. thatdudeoverdthee

    Because the only games Xbox has is redfall and starfield both of which are shit.

  40. neoslith

    How hard is it to mod an Xbox to play older games?

  41. DiabeticGirthGod

    When I worked at a Best Buy 2 years ago, we had pallets upon pallets of both series X and S, but the literal second we got even a single PS5, there was somehow always a line out of the door before the store opened.

    Like we would have both series just sitting out on the floor in the open, no security tags or anything, we had so many of them it didn’t even matter. And no one bought them

  42. smackythefrog

    As someone who skipped the eighth gen of gaming, console and PC both, the Series S was good when I got it mid 2021 to catch up on some games for cheap. “Cheap”

    But after building my PC earlier this year, I can’t recommend an Xbox to anyone. Either get a PS5 for the Sony exclusives (until Sony brings them all to PC) or get a Steam deck and a dock for it. If funds allow for it, build your own PC.

    I think ninth gen will be known for this big shift away from exclusives. And as a result one more nail in the coffin of home consoles.

  43. prokokon

    I bought first Xbox to play Ninja Gaiden. I bought 360 to play Gears of War. i’ve never since had any reason to buy newer ones.


    I’d be shocked if MS doesn’t bow out next gen. They need to take all their devs and focus only on PC and corner that market. Maybe it’ll light a fire under their asses to also unfuck Windows.

  45. Bender3455

    I don’t know, every gamer I know has an Xbox Series S. Only 3 people have a PS5.

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