Its not worth it anymore

i fucking hate blitz i always get the most braindead teammates ever they always use these fucking dogs or ravager launcher
The most braindead fucking people ever to play these classes. i swear its not worth it playing with random retards against 4 stack sweats.
Fucking warzone mobile made them remove alcatraz so these money hungry faggot could earn more money
I can just pray that this fuxking game is shutting down and every faqqot who plays this cancerzone and supports it i just pray their whole family dies in the most tragic way possible ✌️


  1. Hikaru_The_Asian

    lets wait for alcatraz. Oh and also fuck blitz

  2. Elnuggeto13

    I think people hate this game mode because of a few things:

    One, you don’t have respawns when you die. If you die, no Respawns.

    Two, since blitz is a game mode where the game chooses a random area to start with, you More or less get better or worse loot. If you’re lucky you get better loot, if not then you kinda have a bad time.

    Three, you start with a class ready. So you are already put in a disadvantage if you don’t pick the right ones. Considering the faster game mode, certain ones aren’t good for early skirmishes.

  3. Ashamed-Lynx-7266

    I haven’t touched the tournament since Alcatraz was removed :/

  4. AgentProdigy17

    Hasn’t been worth it I’ve played 1 blitz game entirely its not the same… ALCATRAZ WE MISS YOU GOAT 🐐

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