
After a disappointing launch, Homeworld 3 tries to boost sentiment with AI.

After a disappointing launch, Homeworld 3 tries to boost sentiment with AI.


  1. Kaya_Andrimetrum

    That’s why I watch gameplay first.

  2. I can wait. A year or 2, when it’s on sale.

    Why did they think “I can’t wait” was a good keyword? 

  3. count023

    Homeworld 3 has launched? I had no idea.

    Great job from their marketing team.

  4. So checkmarks really mean nothing these days, huh?

  5. Apparently the game lacks the finesse of the older entries.

  6. Rufus_Bojangles

    Dead Internet Theory gains more credibility every day..

  7. LadySusan868

    Ha! Homeworld 3 is turning to AI for help, huh? Well, I guess they realized they need all the help they can get after that rocky launch.

  8. “Where command meets comedy in cosmos!” AI lives in universe in which burning of Kharak was a peak comedy.

  9. You know that game’s a big yikes when they have to resort to inflation tactics like this.

  10. BarbequedYeti

    This kind of shit should be illegal under the false advertising laws.  

  11. HornyAcheronMain

    Saw the ‘cutscenes’. Hated it. Skipped it.

  12. Wilburkook

    I’m sure it’s a fine game. The industry has done amazing. There are so many good games to choose from. You can easily pass by many quality games.

  13. Bierculles

    We are in the age of AI, do they really still have to use the most corporate fake comments ever? Like come on.

  14. Wow, was actually on the fence about buying HW3, shit like this just makes my skin crawl

    Gonna be a pass from me now

  15. Real-Variation-8681

    Dead Internet Theory gains more credibility every day..

  16. pr0-found

    This is fucking crazy. I’d never buy a game from this dev or any dev that ever did something like this again honestly. Pretty shameful because why not just sponsor some YouTubers to review your game, and if it’s good, win win right? You help a content creator pay the bills and probably sell a few more copies of your game too depending on who they are. Everybody eats and I feel like that’s been the standard for getting word of your game out to the gaming community for a while now, no? I just can’t imagine the thought process of whoever cleared this decision? Did they think people wouldn’t notice something like this? How embarassing lmao.

  17. Dota2TradeAccount

    Dead Internet Theory gains more credibility every day..

  18. max_max_max_supermax

    We really have to stop using the term AI so liberally. These are bots.

  19. zaxanrazor

    The sad thing is, it’s just as likely that a fanboy has done this as it is that the company did it themselves.

  20. Dudinkalv

    Embark is suddenly everyone’s favorite word.

  21. petesapai

    Sweet Baby of consulting firms Batman!

    I wish them the best of luck.

  22. TheGrouchyGamerYT

    This subreddit is mainly bots too tbh.

  23. MowMyLawn69

    Great! Can’t wait to never buy this cosmic piece of shit!

  24. SorcererWithGuns


  25. Prosthemadera

    None of them talk like real people. No one would trust this even if they were real people.

  26. All those [First name] [Second name] accounts really do look like usual twitter bio names, right?..

  27. SkyZo222

    That moment when you realize Anthony Miller and Anthony Davison share the same daughter. I bet mommy has a little bit of explaining to do

  28. epimetheuss

    When I found out this game was launching I was super excited because I loved the previous games. Now that I know it is basically a lackluster cash grab that is just has the name and setting of “homeworld” I will never ever get it.

  29. lts_Daddy

    I didn’t even know this game launched.

    You’re doing a good job of marketing than their own marketing team lol

  30. The game looks great, and I’ll really excited to play it… once I’m done with Homeworld remastered 1 and 2, and once I can get Homeworld 3 at a lower price. It’s a full price game with 2 upcoming DLC, according to their roadmap.

  31. Abysstreadr

    This AI shit is going to keep ruining and annihilating everything we love if don’t literally stop it. Remember these words seriously.

  32. DoeDon404

    Hoping MandaloreGaming does a video on the game

  33. oldphonewhowasthat

    Can’t wait to not buy this one.

  34. Nixon154

    Blizzard was bombarding Reddit with ai to hype the new d4 season too.

  35. Denaton_

    Two accounts have the same first name and picture but different last names Xd

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