Call of Duty: Warzone

Are we not supposed to have a gas ticking faster gradually mechanic to counter this?

Are we not supposed to have a gas ticking faster gradually mechanic to counter this?


  1. lol I thought so too, I tried it out and won about a dozen games doing this, have a couple posts showing it

  2. SteezyMonkeyGaming

    So we technically do but it’s a staggered rate of increase… u/jamcowl would be better suited to answer this (AKA check out his YouTube). But here’s my understanding of gas mechanics (using irradiated perk btw)

    0-59 seconds in gas – gas impacts you at 8HP/second and doubles from there to 16hp/second after 1 minute. After 2 mins it’s at 32hp/second

    So a throughly thought out gas strat can keep you alive in gas for AWHILE. I think the most is ~2:30min as once you hit 3minutes in gas you get regen health faster then you lose it

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