
“Experts” say that video games cause violence. No, they create everlasting memories.

“Experts” say that video games cause violence. No, they create everlasting memories.


  1. ZhangtheGreat

    It’s been long proven that the correlation between video games and violence is weak at best. Video games are just easy to blame because why take responsibility as a parent when they can deflect it to something else?

    In fact, if we look at the actual correlation, violent crime has gone down significantly ever since video games became more violent. Are these two trends related to each other? We can’t say for sure, but if a study is done on their relationship, I’d love to read about it.

  2. RepresentativeNo2244

    Is it me or graphic improvements have been way slower in past few years!

  3. Smooth-Mouse-8022

    Absolutely, those experts must have missed the memo on the power of creating unforgettable memories through gaming.

  4. Experts don’t say this at all, but that’s not the problem with your post. It sounds like you have issues believing research. Every once in a while, peer-reviewed studies are unable to be replicated, but that doesn’t mean you should stop believing in evidence and facts. Studies get more stuff right than hearsay and gut feelings.

  5. Tyrant_Virus_

    What experts? And are these experts from 25 years ago because nobody has been saying that shit and meaning it for a long time

  6. Skyress_wnc

    Out of all nfs games you chose those garbage games?

  7. Democracystanman06

    I still have memories of playing Halo 3 and reach with my cousins after the better part of a decade

  8. Pretty sure no “expert” actually makes that claim anymore.

  9. Obliviomm

    Im still have very good remembers of NFS World. Was amazing

  10. Chernocl

    Y’all remember Need For Speed Rivals? Best game I ever played tbh. Introduced me to the franchise, was a lot of fun too 😀

  11. ExaltedCrown

    man missed the best ones;

    underground 2, and most wanted.

  12. poojinping

    The same experts also say Guns don’t kill.

  13. PageOthePaige

    “Experts” is actually one overzealous lawyer who got disbarred in 2008. Jack Thompson was a mistake.

  14. Sufficient_Serve_439

    Experts, i.e. psychologists and sociologists DON’T say that. “Video games cause violence” is solely a talking point of conservative politicians, who hate everything new, especially in USA where they try to blame videogames for gun violence to avoid a gun reform.

  15. Zamoxino

    Nsfu2 was actually so good that i dont want to touch any other racing game.

    World was kinda okeish as well but i think i enjoyed it only cause i could do some racing and police escaping with my closer friends. (Also sticker system felt superior in that game. I wish it would be in nfsu2 as well :p)

  16. Few-Baseball-86

    Do the video games make them violent or were they already violent? Without Dark Souls, how many less holes in the wall, smashed doors, monitors or broken controllers would there be?

  17. Monkzeng

    I remember when books took the hit like videos games did back in the day. Wonder what the next big thing is to blame 

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