GabeFollower on Twitter: “According to cs2stats, at least 26,000 accounts were nuked in the latest VAC wave.”

GabeFollower on Twitter: “According to cs2stats, at least 26,000 accounts were nuked in the latest VAC wave.”


  1. AlexanderS4

    seems Valve was cooking after all. Hopefully it will continue

  2. RooBoy04

    Decent dent, and if they can keep these numbers up they will eventually churn through a lot of the cheaters. Would like to see more, but a few thousand a day helps.

  3. I wonder how many of these are f2p people and not premium. They’re probably getting a lot of data from f2p cheaters for there AI

  4. Euphoric-Ear9405

    If the hackers don’t play, they don’t get banned

  5. smol_and_sweet

    Every single game I’ve played in premier today (6 in a row) had blatant cheaters, so I don’t think it’s done much. I hope it continues/improves, but I have very little hope at this point considering how CS:GO was.

  6. band1tpanda

    I don’t know which 26k accounts were banned, but cheaters were still running around in the premiere. So, some impudent people still stream in parallel. The clown fiesta continues.

  7. That’s insanity. No wonder it feels like every game has a cheater.

  8. What does it matter when you can create new one in a heartbeat. F2P was a mistake.

  9. While it may feel like this is not a good enough dent and doesn’t meet your particular standards, try to keep in mind the thought processes of people that will be affected by this. Up until now, there felt like virtually no VAC at all, and this gave players on the fence of cheating the push they needed if there aren’t any consequences. As a result, it felt, and probably was, a significant increase in cheaters, some of whom had the hours and inventory at risk and may not have taken the plunge if they were less confident about being caught.

    Now that we are seeing a legitimate push to begin the banning process, it will make people less confident and not willing to risk their account/inventory, which will result in the feeling there are less cheaters. Yes, you can make a new account. Yes there are roundabouts and there will always be some form of cheating. But the concerted push will deter not an insignificant amount of others to not start injecting.

  10. inVertyy

    The last 8 games I played all had cheaters all on new accounts. Some solos cheating, some boosting, one five stack with multiple cheaters. 20k rating games. Makes it hard to want to keep playing premiere

  11. Not the 24k endless bhop insta knife hs through spawn kids.

  12. Prestigious_Cut8495

    Nice twitter PFP mate. Hell yeah.

  13. wraithmainttvsweat

    cool but like can we have these things be prevented? Why do i need to sit through a whole game with a cheater and wait until 2-3 months u til they’re banned? And get no elo back. Where is the vac live DURING the game as promised? The pov of cheaters they can just cheat for multiple months on end free of consequences and simply hop on a diff account in less than 2 min and repeat the process. Like good job they got banned i guess? but they ruin so many people’s games all for the sake of “data” gathering which i been hearing since 2017 and quite honestly if faceit didn’t exist i have 0 reasons to even launch the game.

  14. Good progress but we need to make sure that yesterdays VAC bans dont just come back as tomorrows spin botters.

  15. Prohawins

    IDC about these numbers, I just want an anti cheat that detects cheats on launch.

  16. W0LFSTEN

    Who cares? Serious question… Doesn’t it take like 3 minutes to make a new account? If the cheats are still out there, and detection remains poor… This is just a bandaid fix to a larger issue.

  17. Impudenter

    Good to hear! Now do the same for TF2, please!

  18. needledicklarry

    It’s cool that they’re doing something.

    Both the times faceit was down recently, we got a cheater in both premier game we queued at 20k. One was a spinbot, the other was was bhop scripting/walling. Both admitted to cheating too. So there’s still a ways to go. Glad to see valve making an effort though.

  19. Rolexandr

    Yeah fuck this fucking fake trying bullshit. Got 9 day ban for shooting a teammate who was cheating and griefing at the same time (yeah, wtf) in our match. First match I come back enemy team has 2 spinbotters. Never playing premier or comp again, only faceit. Fuck valve.

  20. MajikoiA3When

    yes I’m already seeing less cheaters, it’s a good start

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