
I hate that this game was only for Xbox 360 and PC…..

I mean every other game was on Playstation…..why not this?


  1. hitchenator

    Shouldn’t even be considered a splinter cell game IMHO.

  2. TeeJayPlays

    The early gameplay footage looked soooo good. Almost like a Jason Bourne type game. Chucking people into tables & chairs really looked cool. Even tho it made the game demo drop to like 5 fps in every showcase they did at E3 😀
    God i hope we get a proper ‘throwing people into physics objects like a super spy’ game someday.

  3. LadyNancy330

    I know, right? It’s like they were playing favorites with the consoles.

  4. Was it physical on PC? Might still be possible to find a copy if it is.

  5. AnonymousArchon

    Person playing on the gatekeeping platform complains about gatekeeping. Sorry but this is the reality Sony built for you.

  6. OdiusKai

    I have been wanting to play this game again with a friend and I’m sad to see that the online is gone. Such a good game and the CO op was a lot of fun

  7. SweetPuffDaddy

    Microsoft invested in the development of the game and published it. Splinter Cell was originally Xbox’s equivalent to Metal Gear Solid and the first game was exclusive to Xbox for a year. Mostly likely they invested more to make Conviction console exclusive to Xbox. That’s probably the honest truth

  8. Hawkmoon_

    I bought this for a friend’s 360 and played it at his place since I had a ps3 at the time. Worth it.

    The online coop with Archer and Kestrel was pretty awesome too.

  9. Hevens-assassin

    Real ones had a 360 and PS3 that Gen, tbh. I get it though, while not the same as the previous titles, I actually loved Conviction. It was way more story focused, but the systems were great, plus the multiplayer was great!

    Not to mention the tie in book was pretty good from what I remember.

    Blacklist I think was a great followup that mixed Conviction style gameplay with the classic Splinter Cell gameplay. Can’t wait for the next Sam Fisher adventure, because they haven’t missed yet, Imo.

  10. grantyparks

    The bigger upset was when “Blacklist” replaced Ironside as Sam Fisher.

  11. Influence_X

    Splinter Cell and Siphon Filter need to return

  12. IkitCawl

    I was a huge fan of the first 3 Splinter Cell games. Conviction felt very watered down and turned an exceptional stealth series that rewarded you for being clever and patient into one of the decade’s multitudes of 3rd person cover shooters that took away the free-roaming maps and extensive use of gadgets and environmental interactions in favour of linear set pieces.

    It was like how Rainbow Six Vegas went from being a hardcore tactical series to a cover shooter with blindfiring and linear maps and regenerating health. I get things change in time, but sometimes it feels like they lose their identity and get dumbed down.

    I genuinely miss experiences where you need to weigh the risks of killing or incapaciting a guard and risk exposure if the body is discovered verses finding a way to bypass them and hope they don’t stumble into you. I’d rather take a couple minutes planning an executing a move to get past one adversary than to mindlessly gun down ten in the same amount of time. The tension and rush you get from completing a mission undetected, especially with several close calls, is a lot more rewarding than just completing a stage with double digit body counts and running from area to area.

  13. q1203777

    Dude, it’s on PC, it’s basically preserved, I’m having the hardest time of my life getting some PS3 games to work or even getting a working link

  14. neophytegaming

    Probably one of the best 2 player multiplayer I ever played. This and Blacklist.

  15. datbeowulfisreal

    Wasn’t this the super dumbed down game where you even had unlimited pistol ammo?

  16. JanSather

    Pretty sure its because ps3 had MGS 4 at the time so xbox wanted an exclusive to match, since those two franchises were often compared. I have no source for this but it’s always what made sense in my head. Big fan of both series too.

  17. Wazzzup3232

    It is one of the most fun coop games I’ve played. Up there with halo

  18. I really liked that game, got it on pc, but it won’t run on windows 10 🙁

  19. Loud-Distance-1456

    Is it good? I bought it for buttons on Steam and haven’t touched it yet.

  20. I think Pc is open for everyone
    And the fact that this game works for a dead one too

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