Counter-Strike 2

“cl_prefer_lefthanded true” If you want to be left handed at the first of round

“cl_prefer_lefthanded true” If you want to be left handed at the first of round

by BersMN


  1. lmao thanks for the hint you saved my day

    also: if you dont want the console command there’s an option in the game settings aswell

  2. Pretty sure if you hit “H” it will swap hands. It’s in the settings.

  3. CummieAche69

    You can also just select it in the menu

  4. Cloud4347

    Good I was looking for this, now my config is complete.

  5. question: is there a way to make my stickers not look mirrored?

  6. chisarthemis

    or you can use the option -> game -> item -> preferred viewmodel L/R handedness

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