Call of Duty: WWII

How to get double kills with the Blunderbuss??

Currently trying to get a Diamond Blunderbuss. I've gotten double kills with this with the incendiary shells but they don't count as I've gotten double kill medals without the counter rising. Difficult enough as you only have the one shot and with incendiary not counting is just adding to my problem. Any tips or suggestions?


  1. Commando escalation and rifleman. Get one kill with the regular primary. Use a SMG. Then switch to the blunderbuss and get another kill. It’ll reload the shotgun instantly. Hardcore shipment probably be the fastest game mode. You’ll also get some hate mail running this 🙂

  2. Lonewolf_1220

    Back to back melee kills using the blunderbuss in hardcore

  3. dab_machine

    Kill one person then quickly kill a second both while using the blunderbuss /s

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