
Just make great game and money will be pouring in!

“Just make great game and money will be pouring in!”


  1. Alien Isolation still stands alone in the ‘games that stressed me out so much I had to pause at times’ category. But in a good way. Damn they really did the IP justice! Just an amazing design all around. Really captures the mood of the movies (fear and anxiety)

  2. bored-coder

    _publishing executive takes notes:_ “more live service games.. check”

  3. The_Dukenator

    Visceral did not do the Dead Space remake, they were long gone when Motive did the remake.

  4. SomaLysis

    Sometimes publisher expectations are too high for new IPs or some genres. Sometimes the marketing just fails. Sometimes the launchdate is stupid.

    But sometimes players are just buying the wrong games and complain later.

  5. JillValentine69X

    Great games don’t get investments. Games that make money get investments.

    That’s the industry that we created so that’s what we get.

  6. trillbobaggins96

    Gamers would rather pay for live service slop

  7. dangerousbob

    I will die on that hill that Titan Fall 2 is one of the most well crafted multiplayer shooters I have ever played.

  8. happy_chickens

    FF7 Rebirth would have done better if it was multiplatform.

  9. McFigroll

    Titanfall 2 is on sale just now, id recommend it purely for the campaign alone.

  10. LastOfTheClanMcDuck

    Most of these are extremely bad timing for the release.
    Especially Titanfall 2 was insane to release at that date between MASSIVE games.

  11. Sabbathius

    Alien Isolation and Dead Space are F***ING TERRIFYING! They’re great games, but I tried Alien Isolation in VR (with MotherVR mod) and I almost ruined my new pants.

    Titanfall devs keep releasing their games against other gigantic games. More recently they released Medal of Honor VR…the day before Cyberpunk 2077 launched. Nobody even noticed. They released Titanfall sandwiches between CoD and BF. Of course it didn’t sell.

    Mirror’s Edge took 3 hrs to beat and cost $60. Enough said.

    Alan Wake 2 is Epic exclusive. F*** Epic. And their horse. And the horse’s saddle. And the saddlemaker. He knows what he did.

    Can’t comment on the rest, but I feel like there’s simple explanations.

  12. jann_mann

    Mirrors Edge was poorly recieved when it launched.

  13. TehGuard

    Alan wake 2 shot itself in the foot by only being on the epic game store

  14. dushyantdk

    Mirror’s edge didn’t die, it was killed by ‘catalyst’ a microtransactions infested sequel.

  15. CosmicViking17

    Dev studio for hi fi rush just shutdown

  16. Wouldn’t being platform exclusives play a bit of a factor for some games here?

  17. Dead Space, Titanfall 2, Alien Isolation, and Alan Wake 2 are my favorite games of all time. Unfortunately, AAA horror games don’t seem to make the money publishers want. And as for Titanfall, EA fumbled that release schedule big time.

    I should really find a healthy and successful franchise to fall in love with because all of my current favorites continue to get shelved/cancelled.

  18. Geeekaaay

    Yeah great game doesn’t = financial success on its own, unfortunately.

  19. KriptiKFate_Cosplay

    I bought every game on this list. 🤷‍♂️

  20. Also Gamers: “I want this so bad, but I’ll wait for a sale”

    “Why would I buy a game I already beat 20 years ago?”

    “I don’t want to play some cartoon”

    “Female Character!”

  21. SilentJ87

    A lot of these have specific circumstances that didn’t help their situations. I’ll speak to the ones I’m familiar with.

    Titanfall 2 was wedged between two enormous releases and essentially sent out to die

    Alan Wake 2 still hasn’t launched on Steam and didn’t get a physical release on consoles, which turned off some would-be buyers

    Hi-Fi Rush was not only shadow dropped which is a gamble in itself, but also released directly into GamePass which hinders the sales potential a lot

    Rebirth as with any other successful Square Enix game is shackled with the responsibility of balancing the books from failures such as Forspoken, Babylon’s Fall, and Avengers. This makes the sales expectations far higher than they need to be.

  22. Yung_Corneliois

    Unfortunately I don’t think that’s true. At least it won’t pour in as much as the money hungry microtransaction filled grind-fest games.

  23. spool276

    The sad part is that it’s because of cases like this that big companies prefer to make poorly optimized junk games, but with an easy formula of addiction and microtransactions. Easy money because people keep paying for hats than for good games.

  24. “Just make great games People Will not buy”

  25. These games are (mostly) all fantastic, but Isolation stands in a league of its own.

  26. McQuibbly

    Damn time for another playthrough of Alien Isolation

  27. SentientDust

    Mirror’s Edge was not a great game lol. Innovative, with a strong aesthetic, but there’s a reason first-person platforming games never caught on.

    Also not sure why Alan Wake is on that list unless I missed some big news about Remedy

  28. Medium_Notice_902

    Alan wake 2 is an awesome game and worthy of its 60 dollar full price

  29. SuccessfulCicada3116

    Dead space, alan wake 2, robo cop rouge city. And evil west are all very badass underrated games i had a ton kf fun with sucks they didnt sell well. Idk why.

  30. FuckRandyMoss

    Well when all you have attention to was cod Minecraft halo and Fortnite that’s what you get. Game industry is 100% about profit passion projects are few and far between now. And titan fall released around battlefield 1 and cod infinite warfare it was doomed from the start on pure business decision to release the game around that time. Just like battleborn releasing around Overwatch it was dead before it even came.

    Edit: Ight I looked up 2016 releases there was no chance of titanfall ever being successful there just wasn’t enough people for the list of games that dropped that year lmfao

  31. amazza95

    what’s the correlation between these games

  32. gummibear13

    Alan Wake 2 and The Evil Within 2 suffered from being sequels to mediocre survival horror games. Alien Isolation and Dead Space were just survival horror games. Which only Resident Evil has figured out how to make money with AAA survival horror since the 6th generation. Hi-Fi Rush was a PC/Xbox exclusive available on Gamepass. As for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, I’m not familiar with its failure, but I assume the barrier to entry was too high. While the first part attracted many since it was a remake to a classic, it’s questionable how many completed a 40-hour JRPG, especially considering the target audience, which includes people with jobs and families. Personally, I wouldn’t consider purchasing part two until I finished the first installment. Regarding Mirror’s Edge, I haven’t played it in a while, but I remember it being a really good indie game, but I can see why it didn’t sell well at $60. More of a Hi-Fi Rush tier game.

    Edit: also Alien: Isolation got horrid reviews, which were not deserved. Not a great look after Colonial Marines.

    Edit 2: I didn’t know FF7 Rebirth was a PS5 exclusive. That would do it. lol.

  33. GrindPilled

    Didn’t all these make more than twice its dev cost

  34. DeadBrainDK2

    And maybe don’t release your shooter between Battlefield 1 and COD. Clap clap EA

  35. Shoeytennis

    Alan Wake 2 being digital only for Xbox is why I haven’t played it.

  36. zeebeebo

    I find it interesting and funny that gamers would rally each other in wanting to support SP games studios and reject live service crap but the moment they have to click on that Epic logo they abandon all that sentiment and act like that digital store gave their parents cancer

  37. Casper042

    Almost perfect timing no?

    The FTC just banned Non Compete Agreements.

    So can’t the devs (assuming of course they want to) just spin up a new game dev company and give the finger to MS?

  38. Actual brain dead take with a brain dead title lmao

  39. 27Artemis

    i will never forget how alien: isolation made me so scared i started crying smh

  40. tallperson117

    Is Mirrors Edge 2 worth a play? I’ve played the first probably 3 or 4 times, but never got around to playing the second.

  41. Useful_Respect3339

    All of these are under different circumstances and this post is kinda bait.

    Hi Fi Rush is a gamepass and xbox exclusive. That cuts a huge share of the market away.

    Alan Wake 2 is an epic exclusive (on pc) which is a huge blow to the market.

    Horror games are always pretty niche and not huge hits unless it goes viral like Five Nights at Freddy’s.

    Dead Space remake is awesome but reviving a dead franchise with a remake at full price of a new game isn’t a great strategy.

  42. I’m 41 this year. Been playing video games since I was 5. I briefly remember buying new games for full price for a few years in my 20s when I had the extra cash. As an adult over the last 10+ years I almost never pay full price for a game. Everything that i’m interested in goes on sale within 6 months of release. Then if I don’t have something i’m currently playing, or other games in my backlog, I might think about buying it. Usually i’m buying games 6mos-1yr after a game releases and at that point it’s discounted pretty significantly. All this to say I feel like tracking sales at launch is a bit short sighted.

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