PUBG 2024 – Ghost of Vikendi

Not my highest solo kill count, but the cleanest game I’ve had in to date.

Thanks for checking it. All comments welcome, even if it’s smack talk about being a snake 🐍


  1. skyline1427

    Expecting ppl to watch your whole game, that’s a bold move cotton.

  2. Zestyclose_Cup_843

    Just sharing something reddit community shared with me many years ago when I posted videos from YouTube and this holds true now more than ever due to the way youtube is now with ads especially. Most people active in reddit are here because we DONT like or want to use YouTube. Unless it’s something really interesting, almost no one clicks on a YouTube video, and it’s just an instant downvote on reddit, at least here in this sub. They are usually reported for promoting your YouTube channel as it’s against sub rules. Here, you are not directly saying so but that is why most people share their YouTube videos to direct more views and promote their channel.

    On Reddit, at least for me and I think most will agree, we like clips and smaller edits, here for the quick fun clips and entertaining clips. I would recommend editing that video down to highlights and even speeding up the between kill movements, if it’s relevant and not to much time in-between kills to 2 or 3 times speed, then normal for the kills. Then, upload that version directly to Reddit

    Then in the comments, you could say something like, “I have the full game on Twitch, YouTube if you would like to see it and I can post the link if asked”. This way the people who would like to see it can ask and you are not directly or indirectly “promoting” your YouTube channel.

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