
Redfall is officially ceasing development

Redfall is officially ceasing development


  1. Dangerous_Jacket_129

    Wait, they were still working on it? That ship had sailed at launch…

  2. MuptonBossman

    I’m not saying that Redfall caused the downfall of Arkane Austin, but what an absolute disaster of a game… Seems like the studio wasn’t really interested in making it, Microsoft didn’t want to support it, and the game came out like a wet fart. Just a giant waste of time and resources.

  3. TheRaven476

    So is Microsoft becoming the new EA?
    Buying up tons of studios, mismanage them with trend chasing executive meddling.
    Then shutting them down to reduce costs and pad the next quarterly statement?

  4. Deadpoetic6

    Woah, who would have thought that making and selling a shit game 89$ wouldn’t work?

  5. McFigroll

    I imagine Arkane only realized they didnt make this official statement after people remembered the promised Hero Pass wasnt delivered.

  6. Mercinator-87

    All 11 of the player base will rejoice knowing the servers will stay on line.

  7. GammaGoose85

    Did that game ever go down in price? That dumpster fire was sitting at $70 for quite some time

  8. OoDelRio


    This fucking sucks, there goes the last sliver of hope for Prey 2

  9. Svarok_na

    Have they said how we are going to receive the value?

  10. IcePopsicleDragon

    This is directly from Arkane Studios.

    >Today it was announced that Arkane Austin will close and development will not continue on Redfall.

    >To everyone that has supported the work from our Austin studio over the years, thank you. Thank you for spending time in our worlds and making them your own.

    >Arkane Lyon will continue their focus on immersive experiences where they are hard at work on their upcoming project.

    >Redfall players who purchased the Hero Pass as part of the premium Bite Back Edition or the premium Bite Back upgrade will be eligible to receive the value of the upgrade.

    >While there will be no further updates, Redfall’s servers will remain online for players to enjoy.

    You can apparently get some form of [Credit through Bethesda Support](

  11. IcePopsicleDragon

    So much for Phil Spencer “we won’t abandon this game” statement from last year sheesh…

  12. Silent-Rando977

    I feel bad for everyone who had faith of Arcane fixing the game & delivering the dlc. What a bummer. At least they get some of their money back.

  13. Trevor-On-Reddit

    My condolences to the 12 people that were still playing it.

  14. Huge_Aerie2435

    It sucks that they are closing. They made the best immersive sims games for recent time with games like Prey..

    I was hoping they’d get their hands on Bloodlines 2 because of it.. Probably best they didn’t get their hands on it.

  15. Joe_Cums_Lately

    Holy shit! I just saw a video on YouTube called “Redfall…..A Year Later” where the poster asks about DLC and other promised updates about an hour ago and this gets posted.

  16. Belydrith

    They can fuck off with their corporate_apology.jpg
    If Microsoft’s studios take a similar turn to all the ones Embracer gobbled up and ruined, that’ll completely decimate the industry. And currently it certainly looks that way.

  17. GradeOwn5843

    I still think its a mistake to close the studios yeah redfall was bad but prey and evil within will never be made again and that makes me sad

    I would’ve shut down machinegames after their failures

  18. LittleBitHasto

    Will there be no promised characters? What will the players who bought the edition for $100 say?

  19. judochop1

    That’s really going to upset their base player :c

  20. Goatwhorre

    Good that game looked like shit. Vampires? Really? Okay 2008.

  21. EquipmentMassive3160

    Who’s ready for Dishonored 3!

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