
Retro station in its final form!

Picked up a Nintendo today for 50$ 20$ for the storage case.


  1. lichbride

    Reminds me of one of those TV trolleys they’d bring I to the classroom at elementary school

  2. Irishblood1986

    Need to find a copy of Tips & Tricks magazine to complete this. Otherwise, the nostalgia is real.

  3. Valdez_073

    Esta bien culera πŸ—£πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. BrainFogStudios

    You win, that’s fantastic. You can even roll it out of the sun beams when it gets to that time of day.

  5. theZoid42

    And you don’t need to wedge another game cartridge in the NES to keep it down? Nice.

  6. TheFinalBoss90

    Bro I love this. The environment really sells it for me too!

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