
VR gamers eating good this year

VR gamers eating good this year


  1. Crispy1961

    Its been a decade already. Stop pushing this tech on people. Not even taking Half-life hostage helped it in popularity. Just let it go, industry.

  2. Ancient-Ad3493

    Absolutely! VR gamers are feasting on a buffet of immersive experiences this year.

  3. I dunno, i still feel hesistant when it comes to vr games even though technically no longer a new technology because of motion sickness. Is there a way to completely eliminate the motion sickness problem?

  4. Joannamoody-634

    VR’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet, right? Love it or hate it, can’t ignore it. No motion sickness gonna stop this ride!

  5. Level_Measurement749

    And they will last all of five hours…

  6. Dyingdaze89

    I wish I could play VR for more than 10 minutes without getting sick, even the teleport modes don’t help for long. Meds, pressure point bracelets, glasses with fluid in the frames… they only help a little bit.

  7. Cool, now make the VR experience more affordable, or offer non-VR alternatives so people can still experience these titles in some capacity. VR is still prohibitively expensive, and some people can’t play VR period.

  8. cdonaghy7

    Oh wow I didn’t now metro was getting a vr game. Cool.

  9. ShadowVia

    I’d love to play these ( well, two of them at least) but I just can’t get behind dropping that kind of cash for a VR.

  10. Sampsonite20

    Is the Metro game even made by the original studio? I was under the impression they got separated from their IP after the Embracer Group implosion.

  11. anon1984

    Which ones are releasing on PSVR2? I hope Meta didn’t buy up the rights to all of them.

  12. It makes me sick but it costs money and is new!

    Got to fucking love consumerism.

  13. j0emang0e

    Damn the 30 people who have them are stoked

  14. TopGameServers-Net

    Metro is going to be sick. I’ve recently gotten back into VR because Fallout VR lol.

  15. ChuckVersus

    Has gameplay footage been released for *any* of these?

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