Cyberpunk 2077

My coworker literally cosplayed Johnny Silverhand without trying

My coworker literally cosplayed Johnny Silverhand without trying


  1. sadbrocon

    we have silverhand at home

    silverhand at home:

  2. starfruit_enjoyer

    no he didn’t? he’s just a guy with medium length hair. his clothing and glasses aren’t even close either

  3. Wild-Lychee-3312

    Tell him he needs to lose that ganic arm and get some chrome

  4. DemolishunReddit

    The “one” dude that plays the game and doesn’t have to customize his character to look like him. (Yes, I realize it is not what V looks like by default.)

  5. endlesssaturdays

    Mitch Hedberg as Johnny Silverhands.

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