
Limited Run Games has been accused of using CD-R to burn games and sell them

Limited Run Games has been accused of using CD-R to burn games and sell them


  1. McWaylon

    For those who don’t know: CD-R is a disc people can burn data too including games. These were popular in the Dreamcast era but are notorious for not working all the time. Now supposedly LRG is using CD-R to burn 3DO properties and sell at a premium.

  2. Cup-of-Noodle

    I was always under the impression Limited Run games in general were expensive shelf pieces with cool art.

    Does anyone actually play their $300 version of a indie game that’s $9.99?

  3. Poisoning-The-Well

    Wouldn’t using CD-R be more expensive that pressing CD? At least at scale.

  4. If only it was on a CR-RW. Then I could burn a sweet mix tape on the same disc as Unpacking.

  5. Mesterjojo

    That “article” reads like a redditor forgot their meds

  6. garry4321

    For those OOTL, its about the quality of the product and them using the cheap, easy to make, low quality method to sell games at the price you would pay for the production quality.

    Picture it like a shirt where the design is actually imbedded in the colour of the fabric vs. printed onto it using Avery print-t-shirt labels that come out of your printer and you iron-on.

    Its a big quality difference in the physical media.

  7. Unusual-Tear676

    The lesson here is stop buying physical. It’s a dead media. Digital is superior

  8. ATXDefenseAttorney

    Is there any story about this company that doesn’t suck?

  9. Doesn’t surprise me one bit. It’s not like you can press 3DO games properly anyway.

    Limited Run Games are one of the biggest scams in gaming today. They profit out of FOMO.

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