
I don’t understand the bear vs man debate. The bear obviously wins.

I don’t understand the bear vs man debate. The bear obviously wins.


  1. Ausernamenamename

    Yeah that’s why several of the bears known to man are on extinction lists.

  2. EtheusRook

    The debate is just a bunch of people who **really** need to learn what being trapped in the woods with a bear is actually like. They won’t just take your pic-a-nic basket.

  3. suspicious_ali00

    Unless it’s Takamura in Ippo Makunouchi. lol

  4. Casca2222

    Why are people so pressed about this? It’s not the first time someone says something stupid

  5. MoonTurtle7

    Idk. Depends on the bear, and the man.

    Are we talking The Rock/Terry Cruise level of fitness kind of dude? Does he have a weapon? Does he have CQC training?

    Then there’s the bear. What kind of Bear is it? How old is it? Is it fresh or tired? Does it have rabies?

    Like average dude, vs average bear. The Bear’s probably the winner.

    But some Zangief level bear fighting man might be able to take on a few bears.

  6. ExploerTM

    I mean yeah, I don’t know anyone who can suplex a bear, plus it has actual claws and strong jaw. Thats not even a question.

  7. Kefkas_Paradise

    Man, people going on and on about it, and ignoring the white giants of the north; polar bears. They’re the largest land carnivores on earth, with some males coming in at over 1,500 lbs.

  8. Johnmegaman72

    Depends I mean if the man has a 9mm for example he would stand a chance.

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