Ok once again wtf?! Someone tell me what cheat this is???

Ok Frfr dudes movement were sus from the get go, I didn’t film my death cam but he mowed me down from about 80 yards with the m4 no recoil, I’m always sus of dudes that do that lil punchin crap when they run (go ahead tell me it makes u run faster) or dudes that switch weapons the entire time they run . For me it’s an indicator. But what’s mind blowing is the final gun fight, we won’t even go into how when it was 2v2 he killed one While never really putting the red dot on him, but the last gun fight after his teammate is knocked , they both miss alotta shots, both reload and switch weapons several times, but that last shot, that either sounds like a Winchester or some sort of shot gun, I watched it over and over neither dude fired a single shot weapon at the end so WHO THE F SHOT THE GUY?? and got the dub for this fake Heisenberg??? (Im copying and pasting this for the other Pubg subs)


  1. TreeTopMickeyKnox

    Neither one of these people were me dumbass, why is there always sum miserable pssy, or should I say non pssy getting gamer wanna say some dumb shit, look bro I have a real life that consist of shit you’ve only seen on a fckin screen, I’ll probably never be as good as you I don’t have the time i have tattoo shop to run , a business , something I’m sure a foreign fckin language to you, see because no one in the real 🌎gives a fck about Pubg dummie, what’s your reward? For taking gaming so serious ? lemme give the 🤡crcker a paper 👑😂god forbid your a different race, then I’d really feel sorry for you! Jesus I Kant imagine how much you’d hate if u seen me and my bitch fr… 🤦🏽‍♂️

  2. Foreign-Wishbone5808

    Nothing looked suspicious in this 4 minute clip at all to be honest.

  3. spiffiestjester

    To clear up one myth for you. The punching and running thing is an old twitch streamer habit. Back in the early days of Twitch streaming pubg, there was a ‘heat map’ thing where the more often you were ‘shooting’ the algorithm would pick up on it and put your stream in the ‘hot channel’. So streamers when not in combat, would keep the algorithm engaged by punching while running. Chocotaco explained it once far better than I am explaining here, but yeah thats why they are punching. If the are telling you it makes them run faster, they are either trolling or an idiot. Possibly both. As to your clip? Pubg is hot garbage atm. There are a ton of bugs, I cannot tell ypu how many times I have to deal with sound bugs in this game, too loud or missing footsteps, random weird clippong sounds (I cant explain the, just weird noise) and gun fire that isnt a decoy, but cant be explained by player positioning. Love this game, but damn its a mess.

  4. Many_Gazelle_8477

    You wasted everyone’s time just to prove that you just aren’t very good. I’m not trying to be mean. I’m being serious. You didn’t hit your shots

  5. Can anyone explains to me what’s so special about this clip that it’s being posted about something related to cheating. Because I don’t see anything remotely sus/ or that gives off cheating vibes

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