
I’m working on a Zelda/Hades-like Roguelite and the DEMO (steam) is out today! It’s called Eko and the Bewitched Lands. All feedback (good or bad) is greatly appreciated.

I’m working on a Zelda/Hades-like Roguelite and the DEMO (steam) is out today! It’s called Eko and the Bewitched Lands. All feedback (good or bad) is greatly appreciated.


  1. CapnBloodBeard82

    requested access. Seems pretty cool, gonna try it out.

  2. Human_Forreal

    Looks great! Maybe add a difficulty slider for more casual gamers who might be scared of the whole no checkpoints, die and learn to get better gameplay. Maybe give them an auto save after every boss battle?

  3. BestJoyRed

    i haven’t played it but just based on this video i think your artstyle could benefit from more of a cohesive direction

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