Cyberpunk 2077

How many hours do you have in the game?

Personally I’m at right over 500 hours but I’m curious to see how much time other people have put in


  1. SevereBike9868

    Around 300+ maybe more since I have aroumd 100 something hours on p4 probably a waste of time but it was fun

  2. TheOnlyOnePEACE

    How do you guys have so many hours.

    I just completed my first play through and have 50 hours.

    What could you possibly do for 1000 hours.



  3. Stroppone

    Almost 350 on PS5, though I’m gonna do another full playthrough after I finish FF7 Rebirth

  4. Zestyclose-Fee6719

    It says I have 850 hours on Steam, but I also played off Steam for a solid twenty-thirty hours while I had a problem launching the game for a period during patch 1.62.

    I’ve completed four playthroughs, and I’ll inevitably do at least one more simply to make different decisions in Phantom Liberty (I never jump straight into an expansion without starting from scratch because it doesn’t feel organic and immersive for me).


    About 300-320. Two 100% runs with different builds and decisions in game. And i didn’t even used the photomode 🤭

  6. RBWessel

    587.7 on steam probably plus another 400 or so from ps4 days

  7. stomcode

    1,698.9 on Steam. Just started a new playthrough so another 100 hours is lining up.

  8. Aggressive_Boat_2220

    650 часов, без учёта игры с дополнением, после выхода которого игру прошел ещё пару раз, но уже под пиратским флагом, т.к. сраному gog не нужны мои сраные деньги)

  9. Brometheous17

    Suprisingly like 45 on PS5 and about 100 on PC. I thought it would have been way more but I guess I’ve only technically done a play through and a half of the main story and have only done one ending of phantom liberty. Currently working on the second phantom liberty play through.

  10. ensun_rizz

    About this much and haven’t even finished the game yet…

  11. GreatWolf_NC

    1500 hours, I just love to switch my brain off and roam Night City.

  12. Birch_NC13

    445.7 Hours
    57/57 Achievements.

    One save file.

  13. shanthies

    348 hours on a single save slot, I don’t know what makes me stay in this world indefinitely. I take breaks from the game, but when I come back, I am taken away for 20 hours

  14. kimichi999

    80hrs on PS4 slim back in 2021 or 2022 with version 1.5

  15. saltynerd14

    1500+ hours but i started playing since v1.2

  16. OwOitsMochi

    I think I’ve got about 220 on xbox one, then when PL came out I switched to PC and have put in another 500ish across 3 saves.

  17. TheRockCandy

    Xbox app says my playtime is 50 days 1hr and 35 minutes

    That’s like 1,200 hours.

    Pretty much too many playthroughs, a LOT of wandering, racing, driving, exploring, listening to radio, using photo mode, a lot of shit to do in this game honestly.

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