How much storage is this app taking up for you?

Currently got rookie numbers, I know, but trust me imma be at record breaking numbers soon 😈


  1. BrotherGenki

    Right now it’s something like 25gb with 80 percent downloaded

  2. No_Philosophy2757

    I have 19.33g of documents and data. I want to lower it by a lot

  3. michaeleatsberry

    17 or 18? That’s ALLLL the maps and skins I own

  4. madara_is_here17

    18+ GB(not including half of the weapons resources and other high def graphics)

  5. Yandzibar

    I was at 30 gigs but deleted half of the stuff due to space.

  6. XWhyAreYouRunningX

    33GB I think I need an extra smartphone for CODM

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