
Found at my local gamestop! Time to relive childhood memories!

Found at my local gamestop! Time to relive childhood memories!


  1. BlueMikeStu

    I’ve got a fun memory of being in an EB Games and there was a kid maybe 15 or so trying to buy this on Xbox 360, but wasn’t allowed because it was M-17+. In Ontario, it’s actually not legal for someone to purchase an M-17+ game unless they are actually 17+, so the sales clerk told him he couldn’t buy it.

    I was behind him in line and as he walked away, I told the clerk I’d grab it because it looked cool and was there while I was buying the rest of my games.

    Went outside, found the kid, and gave him the game for $15 even, though it cost me like $17 something after tax.

    Never saw the kid again, but I hope I made his day.

  2. Zealousideal_Shop446

    I just finished my fourth playthrough yesterday. Great game wish Obsidian didn’t rush it

  3. ChiefChief69

    >Time to relive childhood memories!

    Fuck I’m old

  4. idratherbgardening

    Tried it recently and wow the map is just horrible. 😞

  5. BuffaloInCahoots

    If you ever get the chance get it on pc. Doesn’t take a good one to run it. The mods for this game are incredible. I recently got Tale of Two Waselands running and it’s great. It combines fallout 3 and new Vegas into one game with one character and gives 3 the play style of New Vegas. There’s so munch people have added that feels like part of the original game, it adds hours of play time to an already long game. 3 was my first and will always be my favorite but New Vegas is better in just about every way. Have fun dude.

  6. Lt_Jonson

    A proud product of the National Basketball Association.

  7. Picked New Vegas up for $0.99 on steam a few months back! Have fun, fellow vault dweller

  8. Mmmm I wouldnt play it on Xbox may be too buggy . Cool collectors item tho

  9. Illustrious-Camel419

    I’m just saying but that’s on game pass. You didn’t need to buy it but not complaining I bought it too

  10. NeatSeaworthiness407

    This needs to be remastered for ps5. I can’t believe they didn’t do it before they released the show.

  11. Just made it to Camp McCarran!! Fantastic game, such an extreme amount of depth for such a buggy game lmao, I LOVE IT!!!

  12. PrufrockAlfred

    I can’t think of a fictional character I despise more than Dean Domino. 

    So yeah, the characters and voice acting in *New Vegas* are top-notch. 

  13. Mrhappytrigers


  14. EpicRedditor698

    Unfortunately that version is banned, if you try to launch the game it’ll cause your Xbox to be banned forever.

  15. Twin_Titans

    Ahh. Good to see it’s official NBA merchandise though. 🙂

  16. Upper_Entry_9127

    I don’t understand. This isn’t even an old game. How can you relive childhood memories when that was only a few of years ago?? Lol

  17. Dogknot69

    If this came out when you were a child, you are still a child, little bro.

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