Cyberpunk 2077

Hanging out with Panam

This game is absolutely gorgeous.


  1. Mary_Ellen_Katz

    Your V looks like a hopeless lesbian that fell for a straight girl. And Panam looks like she’s almost fed up with those hopeful eyes. “We’ve been through this, V. I’m not gay.”

  2. RosieQParker

    My gay ass was devastated when I learned that you have to be masc to date the soft butch with the big truck.

    And you can’t date the other soft butch with the big truck at all.

  3. purepeep

    Punky Brewster showing up to join the Aldecaldos.

  4. QuincyFlynn

    WHY the fuck are you over here posting a perfectly normal looking V? What’s wrong with you???

  5. WalkerBuldog

    Your V looks like npc even more than any other NPC that remembers from the game. Interesting look

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