Counter-Strike 2


#cs2 #counterstrike2 #valve

“WaterCS” ❗

This new counter strike 2 video cover the new ban wave and overwatch bans coming to cs2, cs 2 news, cs 2 new ban wave, cs 2 vac bans, counter strike 2 vac bans, cs 2 ban wave, counter strike 2 news, cs 2, valve cs2 , valve anti cheat, cs2 news, cs 2 ban wave, counter strike 2 news, cs 2 ban wave, cs 2 news, cs2 vac ban, cs2 overwatch, cs 2 overwatch ban, cs 2 new update, cs 2 anti cheat update, cs 2 updates, cs 2 patch notes,


  1. you sure there’s a vac ban wave going on? im still not banned after plenty of reports lol

  2. u didnt explain in your last video that those people who were banned from those stats were case boosters… not cheaters.

  3. It actually works. I haven't played for 2 months now, but since CS2 is out zero cheaters were banned from my matches. Today I checked on csstats and now it's there, a cheater was Overwatch banned so something is happening for sure.

  4. 0 cheat providers have been detected. All of the exploits got detected (Rapid fire and no spread) Thats why all cheaters are banned. Everyone who didn't use any exploits didn't get banned. There is just going to be shit ton of closet cheaters now.

  5. I was legit cheating for 1 week on 2 accs and semi rage on 4 accs, 2 nonprime and 4 prime in total. 0 vacbans till now, was using 6€ cheat

  6. I knew this would happen but people love to hate valve yes it's a work in progress atleast they care and are maintaining the game we were always going to get a vac update just had to be patient

  7. I still see most of the closet cheaters alive in casual and deathmatch games. The only VAC bans is for ID shkjhdlepnvhgs with no skins.

  8. I quit my Road To Global Challenge cuz of cheaters.
    Im Silver/ Rank 3 Now.
    They better cook em all

  9. Those are only rage features … so yeah used for hvh doesn't affect any of the normal games or cheaters in there.

  10. i actually think that valve hides the bans so we dont actually know how many cheaters there actually were.

  11. I already quit because of all the cheaters, don’t think I will be coming back unless a industry changing AI anti cheat will be implemented.

  12. just met cheater whit 5k hours rage cheating in wingman who has punlished workshop maps too

  13. The game feels bad again, I suspect it has to do with whatever they're doing with the anti-cheat. Weird hiccups, stutters, enemies "popping" into peeks. What is going on?

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