
Kinda mid, however, Banjoscape!

Kinda mid, however, Banjoscape!

by DefnottheGovernments


  1. Less-side1880

    Cool banjo, but you could improve the look a LOT by just cleaning the desk and getting a dual moitorarm. AND WHAT ARE THE NAILCLIPPERS DOING THERE?! Even tho I can’t read it you should probably remove the postcard if that is your address.

  2. ReverieX416

    A decent setup, though a bit dirty. But I’ve seen a lot worse.

  3. abidelunacy

    I think you’re supposed to put the banjo on the knee…

    Might put a tower holder under the desk to give yourself more room. Mouse mat, protect the desktop. Looks good otherwise, and ty for vacuuming. 👍

  4. ChamberOfSolidDudes

    what’s sweeter than brand new strings? *fuckin nothing*

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