
bought a game online and it got delivered with the security thing on

any suggestions on how to open it?


  1. That’s funny.

    Flathead screwdriver and a hammer make short work of those cases.

  2. Fantastic-Bug9019

    Oh, the classic security thing! It’s like the game is playing hard to get.

  3. Such-Mouse3951

    Well, isn’t that just fantastic! Looks like you’ve got yourself a new challenge – cracking the security code to finally play your game.

  4. DmvDominance

    If that’s the kind of shark box I think it is, a decent magnet across the top should slide the locks unlocked!

  5. It´s plastic, so you can use a hot knife or a hot nail to melt the plastic

  6. DiggingUpTheCorpses

    Bandsaw, handsaw if you’re in a pickle.

  7. Little_Ad2062

    I work in an electronics store here in Poland. It’s one of these awful “three-slots” safe boxes. Can’t open those with a magnet.

    You need to either break it or take it to the store along with your receipt. Sorry it happened to you. We’re running on ridiculous amounts of caffeine, long hours and no free weekends, we’re trying our best but sometimes we’ll make a goof like that.

  8. thiccboyIV

    Friends and I used to rip these open in the underground parking lot like a bunch of apes. So many Starcraft 2 copies sold through our highscool

  9. Asking on reddit how to break a piece of plastic.

  10. TransAnge

    I say go full throttle. A circular saw should make short work of this

  11. lumblossoms

    is that really small audio equipment / a fucking huge video game box

  12. DiabeticGirthGod

    Technically you are supposed to put a magnet on the top, and on the top left there’s a little lever you push to one side.

    Just fucking smash it open, flathead and hammer and pry it open.

  13. King_Krong

    That case is worth more than the actual game.

  14. dontbanmethistimeok

    I had heaps of fun one year for Christmas breaking open one of these

    I heated a pin and melted the hinges btw

  15. Is that a mini Dj kit or is the Game just HUGE?

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