Why is my graphics only low? It was high before

Why is my graphics only low? It was high before


  1. Make and model of device used?

    May not support it anymore or needs an update

  2. AsHmIaDeN

    It’s getting quite annoying since I’ve been playing on high since release

  3. Ayush9616a

    If you have medium fps on low.
    How many fps did you get on high


    If you want to play in a competetive way you actually dont want to use high graphics. The game adds objects like bushes and grass, the notorious one at the tractor on Standoff where a bush blocks your view of the crates in high but you can be seen clearly from there for example.

    The issue is your FPS. You want that as high as you can make it.

    Sorry to say but, might be time to upgrade your phone

  5. Doraemon_Ji

    Because your phone can’t handle the game. Time to look for a new, better phone I guess

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