Call of Duty: Warzone

How do I fix overaiming, among many other issues

PS5 standard controller

6/5 linear


  1. arroncoot

    First change your aim response to dynamic, it’s easier. Try 6,6 it’s what biffle (a world series of warzone winner) uses, if you don’t feel comfortable with it try another sens and most importantly, ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS move your left stick with default aim assist while moving, every single clip I see you crouched up scared for your life. Rotational aim assist if the most important tool of a controller player and you have to use it if you want to get better. Search up cuppajoe5 or Tcaptainx on YouTube for a well detailed guide on rotational aim assist or Diaz Biffle or Shifty handcam if you want to see two of the best players in warzone currently aim and use aim assist to the full extent. After that, just practice. Im crim 1 and 2.3 kd in resurgence, you have to practice and use all of your abilities to the fullest extent if you want to be good.

  2. romiyake

    Try aiming more with your left stick. Use RAA!

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