[COD] What COD topic is this?

[COD] What COD topic is this?


  1. RuggedTheDragon

    It’s typically with people trying to vent on the Reddit with how the game is too sweaty and how SBMM ruined the game. In other words, bad players being bad.

  2. No-Speaker-1534

    What cod should I buy or I’m new to COD

  3. SadGhostGirlie

    “What cod should I buy”

    “Is x safe”

    “My tier list” followed by “this is bait” when its not full of popular opinions

    “Futuristsic or modern?”

  4. Fall_Cake

    “How Cod lost its identity” whrn a non-milsim skin gets released

  5. somebody_irrelevant1

    “What is the best COD?”

    “Which one should I buy?”

    “Just got MW2 for the first time!!!!”


  6. Kwksiishot

    when a new game comes out “is this the new cod killer!?” then it dies in two months, or the “this next cod game might revive the series” then the second it comes out people hate on it for the stupidest thing

  7. Other-Visual8290

    Ghosts is underrated

    MW2019 is overrated

    MW23 should’ve been a DLC

  8. bayfox88

    Mw3 is horrible. But that I agree on. MW2 2022 was better.

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