
Todd Howard Talks About Starfield: Shattered Space Expansion, Creator’s Kit, and a ‘Big Update’ Coming Soon – IGN

Todd Howard Talks About Starfield: Shattered Space Expansion, Creator’s Kit, and a ‘Big Update’ Coming Soon – IGN


  1. Surprise_Butt_Stuff

    Unfortunately unless the “big update” is a new engine with 75% less loading screens I’m not interested.

  2. psychede1ic_c4tus

    So you’re telling me they’re coming out with another expansion after I just paid $90 for a game I didn’t even play more than 60 hours due to lack of content

  3. AlaskanTroll

    “Who cares 🤷‍♂️” -probably everyone, besides Todd Howard and his mom

  4. Cyberpunk39

    More quests like where the lady has a priceless trophy and you ask for it and she says no and then you ask again saying you really want it and she says ok take it?

  5. notice_me_senpai-

    If the story, dialogues and character writing are on par with the base game, I’ll pass.

  6. CrawlerSiegfriend

    Had some gripes with it, but overall I liked Starfield. I’ll be there for the expansion.

  7. Steroid_Cyborg

    More people playing fallout games rn than starfield

  8. newtownmail

    I’ll go against the tide and say I’m excited to return to Starfield with a new update. Bethesda games are familiar and comfortable for me and I have a fun time. Starfield is far from amazing, but I like it.

  9. Flash_ina_pan

    10,000 more random abandoned outposts with a dozen badly programmed pirates that drop nothing of interest. But they guard the quest maguffin.

  10. imsocooldude

    It’s pretty clear he has no idea what a big update is. Just look at the Fallout 4 update for example.

  11. RIPN1995

    I wouldn’t be surprised if a 60fps mode is added for ps5

  12. Admiral_Furskin

    “Details on Shattered Space remain a mystery, though some fans speculate that it will focus on House Va’ruun.”

    Oh. Great.

  13. Todd, we’ve talked about this. Stop trying to make Starfield happen. It’s not going to happen.

  14. soflahokie

    Too bad, just uninstalled Starfield to redownload fallout

  15. Notagenome

    Misread that as shattered space exploration instead of expansion.

  16. Zealousideal-Plan454

    Todd will come to you…he will tell lies…sweet little lies…and everytime…*you will listen*.

  17. terra_cotta

    Man this is gonna really make the fan happy. 

  18. TheYellingMute

    my bet is this big update is gonna be creation club

  19. It blows my mind at the complete lack of patches for this game. What the hell is a company as large as Bethesda doing since release?

  20. Something_Ingenuine

    Are we finally allowed to criticize starfield now? I seem to remember the first 2 months it was out that it was impossible to do so without being downvoted and ganged up on lol

  21. secret_name_is_tenis

    Can’t wait to play this game in 3 years when it’s finished

  22. Dont fall for the hype traiiin, this guy dissappoints

  23. FabulousDave2112

    So is the game finished yet? I know it’s been out for a while but “released” and “ready to be released” are often years apart nowadays

  24. Alleggsander

    Take the L and move on. Put about 15 hours (that I’ll never get back) into this dull ass game and basically nothing would make me put in another minute.

    Time to work on ES6 and FO5. And this time, please Bethesda, don’t forget the love.

  25. angrybox1842

    I just feel like content isn’t the problem, the problems are so much more fundamental to core design decisions. You can’t expansion away the dozen loading screens it takes to get from planet to planet.

  26. TheLoneWandererRD

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies Todd

  27. angryslothbear

    Starfield… biggest disappointment in gaming for me. I’m playing fo76 now and enjoying it. I’ll stick with that.

  28. Zazadeem

    Yeah I won’t hold my breath… With him talking about more output; that only makes me worried. If it takes 10 years to make starfield. I don’t know what anyone would expect with a faster turnaround. Starfield was bad for me and I know I’m not alone in that feeling.

  29. Wake me up when he announces it’s no longer an Xbox exclusive

  30. Reznor_PT

    It comes 8 months to late – for the update – as I do not understand how BG3 in the same timespan really pushed for perfection with their patches that came quite regularly and then you have very minor fixes with Starfield…

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