Call of Duty: Zombies

Which boss would reign supreme?

If we were to throw all of these dudes in a ring, who would come out standing? (I purposefully left out George because he would win without any doubt.)


  1. DrDovaKing

    Margwa would kick everyone else’s ass EASY

  2. Government-Massive

    if George was on here that would be the automatic answer

  3. excusePhantasmo

    Personally Avogadro is one of the last guys to drop considering not only was he formerly a military general who was an expert strategist, but is also solely comprised of electricity and can travel via storms and etc.

  4. Slowbromigo

    Obviously blue guys since legion is freaking IMPOSSIBLE
    And completely draining my sanity

  5. SambeSiili

    I’m leaning towards Brutus because no matter how many times you but a hole in his skull, he’ll be back

  6. DumbBitchQueen

    I’ve always favored disciples just because of how unique they are as a boss/elite since they themselves aren’t really a threat, but rather a support.

    I also really like the lore behind all the Dark Aether bosses. I thought it was pretty sick and cool to think about humans utilizing the dark Aether and sacrificing humans by throwing them in it to create weapons (Tormentors, disciples, tempests, etc.)

    I also really liked MOTD Brutus and how much character he had, and, though to a lesser degree since he is more of a celebrity guest, the same with George Romero.

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