what do you think about FlameZ the journalist? do we validate? 🎤

what do you think about FlameZ the journalist? do we validate? 🎤


  1. Best interview ever! Glad flameZ asked him about zywoo’s importance in his career and props to Apex too for being honest. This shows how much they have respect for each other I hope Apex keeps competing. He’s a fun player to watch for us audiences.

  2. Top notch journalism. You can see he caught apEX completely offguard with that Kioshima question. He doesn’t care it was 100 years ago and nobody cares, he only goes for the truth. He also made apEX confess of stealing paychecks and that he was bullying a future top pro. All in a span of 3 minutes. You will never get so much for such a short time.

  3. oPlayer2o

    Daniel Jack from the west coast of England back at it again!!

  4. BrockStudly

    Above all else, I want a competitive pro-scene. I hate seeing one team win everything, so I usually find myself rooting against the top dogs.

    That being said, This Vitality roster is so unbelievably likable.

  5. WaitForItTheMongols

    It’s fun.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Team Vitality reddit account posting on this sub before; I hope it doesn’t become spammy.

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