[COD] Is this a good idea?

Used to play this game all the time on ps4/5 and I moved on to pc, is it a good idea to buy it back? I already have the recent MW3 on steam.


  1. Abject_Reason_2280

    Definitely not, unless u like games that have unfinished content for sale at $20 a bundle

  2. AlohaReddit49

    If you enjoyed it why not? I don’t think the game is as bad as people make it out to be, is it great, no but it’s fine in doses.

  3. Tamanero

    It could be $10 and it would still be overpriced

  4. Kitchen-Plant664

    Didn’t play the MP beyond a couple of matches but the campaign was… alright. Buggy but fun enough even though it’s nothing special.

  5. I wouldn’t touch that shit even if it would be for free.

  6. adamircz

    I dunno, what do you want?

    If you feel like shooting a lot of krauts with beefy guns, cinematic presentation and AAA visual, it will offer that. Bonus points for extreme variety, you get like 4 or 5 different fronts with their correspondig factions

    Downsides: it lacks unique standout missions, the protagonists dont fit and writing is terrible, historical accuracy is insulting, some cutscenes are too long and there is a dogshit plane mission

    If you want just SP, Id say you get a better value out of getting CoD1 or 2 for 15$

    The MP is semi-alive, it plays ok but be prepared that some loadouts just absolutely mop the floor with others to a very unfair extent

  7. Nope. Avoid Ghosts, BO4 and Vanguard at all costs! 💀

  8. PenelopeMouse

    worst Cod game in history. No. If it was free it’d still be a bad experience.

  9. MyLoverPaperPress

    Is say go for it! It’s not the best game but it has things to enjoy!

  10. GaryTheMemeGuy

    It’s not the worst CoD out there. Go for it.

  11. TSM-HabZ

    it’s pretty fun for a ww2 game, if you like mw19 you will like vanguard.

  12. Curious-Hour-430

    someone broke in my car and saw vanguard in it and just left it that’s how bad the game is💀

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