
10 years ago, Titanfall was released on Xbox 360! R.I.P.

10 years ago, Titanfall was released on Xbox 360! R.I.P.


  1. VermilionX88

    10 years ago…I bathe

    Anyway, looks like you’re just gonna keep doing these number of years ago post

    You should just post about what game you’re currently enjoying

  2. AReformedHuman

    Titanfall 2 has a fantastic singleplayer, but I don’t think the multiplayer ever hit the same high as the first.

  3. ThisLazyLion

    It was released on Xbox one and ported to the 360 about a month later.

  4. sudherzdiniq

    Unpopular opinion, I think the first game is much better than the second. They removed features I loved, like first-person animations for titan entry/exit, customizable loadouts, and parkour-focused maps. I wish it had been more popular at launch. it deserved more recognition.

  5. LaserGadgets

    Angel City….what a map! TF1 owns TF2. Customizable titans are cooler than those prefabs.

    And I will never forget the GOOSER CHALLANGE. 50 ejecting pilots. And a week after I was done with that, they decreased the number of mid-air-eject-kills to 5 -.-

  6. Wasted-Instruction

    Absolutely loved those games, the movement for an ADHD gamer like me was insanely awesome!

  7. The_Elder_Jock

    That game was the last time I was “that guy”. The no-lifer absolutely dominating the lobby in every damn game.

    Shortly after that, the career took off, marriage happened, and kids arrived. Now I play as Moira or Reinhardt so I don’t have to aim as much.

  8. Ah yes, the first and last game I ever preorder because I felt so scammed.

    There was hardly any content in this game compared to the AAA shooters of that era. It was even touted as a “COD killer” made by the same people who made the best COD games.. There was SO much hype for this game in the COD community back then. But TF1 was alive for about a week before everyone else saw how repetitive and contentless the game truly was and stopped playing. A skeleton crew made this game and it showed, with like 1-2 guns of each type, 3 titans, and a handful of maps.

  9. To think APEX was chosen over TF3. I still own and boot TF2 on my PS5 because WHY THE F NOT!

  10. Jogglebot

    I think I still have an OG midnight release poster from GameStop for this.

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